Author Topic: How much fluid?  (Read 852 times)

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Offline michelle33

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How much fluid?
« on: May 01, 2010, 17:50:58 pm »
Well it's been a week since I stopped BF Harvey (boo hoo!) and I'm really worried that he isn't getting enough fluids.
In a morning I have been giving him a sippy cup of milk and I'll be lucky if he has 2oz then he has about 4oz or so on his cereal. Throughout the day I constantly try him with juice/water and he'll only probably drink a cup full. Then at bed time I try him with cows milk but he will only have a couple of oz. He has 1 or 2 yogurts a day and plenty of cheese so I'm not to worried about his dairy/calcium intake. Today though his nappies havn't been that wet, he's dribbling lots and his skin is nice and plump so I don't think he is dehydrated but I think he needs more fluids. What do people think? Any tips on getting more fluid into him? He's 13 months old. xx

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Re: How much fluid?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 21:05:33 pm »
A cup full of water/juice through the day sounds OK to me. You could try different types of cup etc? My LO got really bored of his sippy at some point, but getting one of those squeezy sports type bottles he loved, also those ones with a built in straw he loved and would drink LOADS just for the novelty value.

Offline clazzat

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Re: How much fluid?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 21:07:16 pm »
dd1 has never drunk much water and it used to bother me until the weather got warmer and she drank loads more - it reassured me that actually she knows when she is thirsty and can regulate her own fluid intake.  I think that as long as there is water/juice available to him throughout the day then he will drink what he wants.