Sorry, had to be breif in the initial post. Someone wanted me
DS is almost 17mo. Never been a good napper, but nights are fine. We have very rare nw, usually when ill or teething. Also, it is difficult to tell when he wakes. Sometimes I think he's asleep still and I will go in to find him WIDE awake, just staring at the door, waiting for me. He's very sneaky
Usually he wakes about 6:30/6:45. I get him about 6:50.
Lunch about 11:45 and nap straight after. Wind down is about 10 min.
Nap 12:30-? (he is usually quiet by 12:40)
Bath & bedtime routine start at 6:30, in bed by 7:10 and usually asleep by 7:20/7:30.
So if I'm blessed, I get 12 hours sleep out of him in 24. Blegh. I don't know, maybe that's all he needs. He seems happy, though usually grumpy upon awakening he perks up relatively quickly. I would like more than 1 hr me time, though
*forgot to add...with about 9-10 days of illness/teething in there somewhere, we haven't had more than 1hr naps since Easter at least.