Awww (((hugs))) sorry about the banana. It's so frustrating.
I agree w/Marian. No way I would test so soon. I'd wait at the bare minimum 3 months. 6 months more sounds better, and honestly - no matter what our allergist told us I would have waited until at least 12 months. (Hers was so severe he actually said 15 months...we retested the patch testing though...).
Anyway - if things are going well on the Alimentum and your gut is thinking it doesn't sound right, wait a few more months. He doesn't need it since the hypoallergenic formula is working and why potentially make him suffer needlessly.
Good luck. Things change so much in the next 6-7 months. My DD2 went from being unable to tolerate hardly ANYTHING, to being able to eat most everything except pure cow's milk.
Hang in there.