Author Topic: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?  (Read 4814 times)

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15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« on: May 05, 2010, 11:42:22 am »
carson is very energetic and i sometimes get the feeling he is bored! most days we stay in in the morning and play watch tv, and afternnons we go to park- he loves open spaces! i have taken him to play groups to get him around other children and it always seems he is to young. the playground isnt appropraite for his age, he seems to run into swings, seesaws ect and the kids seem 2y+, the groups i take him to seem the same? is it to early. what should i be doing with him?

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 11:46:53 am »
he ha slots of toys to but doesnt seem that interested, due to him sleeping to much in pram i think i am sometimes reluctant to go out to long as i want him to nap in cot, i was never that worried baout this before but then he seemed unsettled in cot so it made me think.

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2010, 00:41:20 am »
Have you seen these suggestions?

I don't think it's ever too young to be at the playground, just needs lots of refocusing on safer options.

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 01:07:39 am »
water play, sandboxes, "painting" with water outside, sidewalk chalk, collecting leaves/stones/etc. on nature walks, coloring, playdough....etc.

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2010, 03:33:33 am »
dd loved water play at this age.  it's getting nicer out - do you have a kiddie pool?  or let him splash in the bath or sink or set containers of water outside and let him play/pour/splash.

swimming lessons at this age are appropriate as is the playground IMO as long as you are with him down the slide and on the swings.  my dd2 is 11 mo and we spend lots of time at the playground mostly due to dd1 but dd2 loves the slide and just crawling around watching the other kids and looking at everything.  sandpits too if you don't mind the mess.  we also do music class which is great for the younger kids.  most of the kids at the free form class we do are actually babies and they bang on the drums and shake shakers etc, great fun.  i would avoid stuctured classes but a free for all class or open gym is good for this age.  they do need lots of supervision though, that's all.

if he loves outside i would go out in the mornign and afternoon.


Offline kels

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2010, 12:11:59 pm »
took him to a few baby groups and they were so busy, couldnt move, last time we went playground he was getting annoyed with me as i kept pulling him away from things that he could hurt himself on. play dough he would eat. i will try water games when its a bit warmer though, he does love water

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2010, 16:00:08 pm »
Swimming! Lots of places have infant/toddler swimming classes and they LOOOOVE to be able to splash and move around in the water. Playdough tastes really bad, I bet he wouldn't try to eat it more than once! ;) Kicking a ball and running after it in the park is a great way to get a workout.

Offline brenda2

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2010, 17:11:53 pm »
i think with all of these things you have to keep doing it and showing him how until he gets it.  he may try to eat the playdough the first few times, you have to do it with him.  he's not at the age where you're goign to set him up and leave him to play.  crayons he may put in his mouth too, repetition repetition and he will eventually learn to color with them.

we went to the playground this morning with my 11 mo and 2.5 yo.  we go pretty much every day it's not raining but it was only the 3rd day i have actually let the baby down to crawl  around in the mud/woodchips (before she was content to sit in the swing but now she just wants down in the dirt), i noticed she put far fewer in her mouth.  the last 2 days i just really had to watch her and keep taking them out of her mouth and today i think i only had to do it once so i think she is getting it  that woodchips are yucky.  at the palyground it's also major adult supervision at this age.  but let him explore and let him figure out that some things are dangerous by doign it with him, not taking him away from it and saying no.  teach him about edges and drop offs and going down backwards down the steps etc, not going headfirst down the slide.  he will get it, he's not too young.  say "danger" but let him see it too.  if you make it off limits he won't learn and he will want to go there/do it more. can you find a playground that has a smaller kids climbing/slide apparatus?  the ones around here usually have a smaller set up and a bigger set up.  if there is one with a tunnel that is a hit at this age and they usually love the steering wheel thing too.  can you tell i spend A LOT of time at the playground?  it really is a great summer time activity and bonus you get to meet other moms.


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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2010, 17:41:55 pm »
Playdough tastes really bad, I bet he wouldn't try to eat it more than once!

Not if you're MY DD. She will still eat it. AND crayons!!!!! (although I actually like the taste of playdough...if I am recalling correctly from my own youth--ick)

Offline Mashi

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2010, 17:47:59 pm »
Agree with the playground and definitely get him out in the morning as much as possible - fresh air in the mornings for toddlers is apparently really a strong way to set their body clocks and help them sleep better, much better than being outdoors later on in the day (if you have to pick one or the other).  Last summer when DS was just turned one, went to the playground every day. He ignored most of the equipment there but would collect stones, sticks, flowers, acorns, etc in his bucket, or loved being chased (by me). We would often spent an hour collecting stones or acorns in his bucket and then carry them to the top of the slide and he'd sit there and throw them down the slide one by one. Any time we had to go to the shop for anything, we walked, and often I'd take his wagon instead of his buggy/stroller and let him pull it along to the shop and then I'd pull him home in it.  

I don't think it is too young to take him to playgroups - in fact I think it is a really good age to get him started into watching other kids interact and getting used to being around them. At his age he will not play with the kids but alongside them (interactive play doesn't really start until 2.5ish or so) but it's still good to have that exposure. The playgroup I go to is birth to age 3 and there are kids in there of all ages, though when we started DS was by far the youngest at 13 months old. He often just crawled around over top of me, never really left my side but it is good for him to get used to other kids being around - and a good chance for you to meet some other moms!

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2010, 18:51:27 pm »
I agree with lots of pps too.  My LO is almost 20 months and loves the playground.  It is more of a toddler playground like Brenda mentioned, and I still stay right with her, but it is really important for her to get that activity.  Sometimes when we go, DD would rather just run up and down the hills and down to the pond to throw in rocks instead of playing on the equipment.  I always think we could have just run around at home, but toddlers do love to explore and it's great to get away from the house a bit.  We have done morning and afternoon, but I find there isn't as much time in the afternoon, as dinner needs to be prepared, etc., and burning that energy in the morning is great.

If you're not sure about the playgroup, I would definitely try a swimming or gymnastics class.  We've done both and DD loves those too.  I find the structure of class nice since as mashimaro mentioned, the interactive play doesn't happen yet.  Again, she and I are together the whole time, but she has that exposure to other kids and she also interacts with the teachers, which is very important as well.

I agree with you, that if he's still on two naps, it's sometimes hard to find the right time to do all these things (it was for me).  But, do give it a try when you can; LOs definitely need a chance to get that physical activity in their day.

Offline anna*

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2010, 19:19:52 pm »
Oh yes Mashi! Collecting things in a little bucket! And totally agree with pps, they can go on all sorts of 'bigger kid' equipment as long as you're right there helping/holding/supporting.

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2010, 19:37:40 pm »
Oh yes, my day is filled with bucket-filling.  ::)  We also get out in silly ways on the days when we don't have an activity or anything 'purposeful' to do by say, walking to the bus stop down the road, DS likes to sit in the bus shelter and watch the traffic go by, then down to the car dealership a bit further away so he can look at the cars on the lot, then walk home again....boring for me, yes, but puts in the time (an hour and a half say) and DS loves it to pieces and gets his fresh air and walk/run like he needs.  He's just as happy to do that as he is to go to the playground and dig in the sand for an hour.   We will walk to the "little shop" down the road and I buy him one chocolate marshmallow (of which I first bite at least half of it off so he gets a piece of marshmallow the side of his thumbnail and is chuffed to bits over it!) - seriously I can walk to the shop and back in 7 minutes but together it takes us a good 45 minutes and our only purpose is to get this chocolate covered marshmallow for him.  Only costs me 3 cents and so we're both happy! 

I suppose we also have the unique situation of living in a town that is totally over-run with wild rabbits so everywhere we walk to it takes a good 3x longer than for a normal toddler because there are at least 30 rabbits along the way that DS has to stop and chase.  ::) Not sure how old he will be before he finally realises he won't ever catch one....

Offline kels

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2010, 19:40:03 pm »
i will take him to playground and just say ' danger' but i do have to pull away as he walks in front of swings, but i also let him go on there.
i will try playdough then, when we go out he eats everything of floor and we have been going to park since 11 months,his 15 months now. i say 'yuck' and take it out his mouth.

Offline RachelC

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Re: 15 mon old baoy...waht to do?
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2010, 22:28:00 pm »
If you make your own playdough, it won't be as bad if he eats it....

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