Hi everyone
My DS is now 3.5 months..
Ever since he was born he would cry and scrunch up his face in pain and scream like a banshee - when he was a few weeks it would be maybe 1-2 hours after feeding.. He wasnt always gassy, but sometimes was. I used ovol for about 2 weeks and no real change so I figured that it wasnt gas alone. I burped before I fe, during and after to try and make sure he was not swallowing air.
At 3 weeks my DH started doing the DF which was EBM, as he got older and could take more at DF it was 50/50 EMB and Formula
I spoke to my DR at the 2 month checkup and he didnt think it was anything to worry about - (then again its not him having to try and calm the screaming baby in pain)
LAst night he woke at 3am in pain this has happened a couple of times before (has been pretty much sleeping through the night for 3 weeks)
Just wondering if there is anyone else out there that had this kind of thing?? Could it be lactose sensitivity? I had tried not eating milk products, greens like broccoli, garlic, peanute butter etc.. to no change.