{{{{{hugs}}}}} Nicole. Has she tended to be average or below/above with her sleep? I'm just wondering because we had similar bedtime disasters with Abby, so I cut her nap back, figuring it was time to start letting it go. We'd see a wee improvement for one day, then things would get worse and I never knew what to do. She has tended to be above average in terms of her sleep needs, so despite what seemed to be the "right" thing, I actually moved her nap 30 min earlier and let her sleep longer (I had cut it to an hour, now it's 1.5 hrs), and moved bedtime just 30 min. that's totally been helping! So her routine is now:
7/7:30 - wake
1-2:30 - nap (I wake her)
8 - bed
I know it seems counter-intuitive, but Abby's a high sleep needs bub, so it's been working for us.
If Hayden tends to be low sleep needs, then I'd try a 45 min nap. Generally, if bubs are ready to drop their naps, they will make it up overnight. It doesn't sounds like Hayden is, which makes me wonder if she's not quite ready. Also, how are you handling the bedtime antics? We found out we were being way too interactive with Abby, so if/when she gets up, we just point back to her room, and she has to go back to bed. If she doesn't, we "walk" her back to bed, but don't tuck her in, she has to do that herself. And we use wi/wo only if she's crying - if she's just calling for us, we don't go in at all. That's really helped too.
Hang in there!! We'd been having issues for almost a month, and just in the last week things have started to improve.