Ok, so we are committed, and today we tried getting our baby (4 months) to nap in her crib in the nursery. First time, I lulled her to near sleep, and while she was still awake, I put her in her crib. The crying started. I did pd/pu 27 times. I was having a hard time telling mantra cry from "I need you" cry, but ultimately I tried to start patting and shh, and she did quiet! I was so surprised and excited. I had read not to rush things too quick, so I stayed and shh/pat for 10 minutes. She slept for seven minutes, then woke. I tried shh/pat and a paci (she is not big on this, but occasionally uses one). She then stayed in her crib quiet for probably 5 mins. Then she began a fussy cry, so we shh/pat for about 14 minutes, when the cry seemed to become more urgent. We then started pu/pd, the whole process was about an hour and backed into eating time.
Second time: Lulled her to sleep, when drowsy, my husband put her in her crib. She went right to sleep with shh/patt, and slept for 30 mins. She opened her eyes, I did nothing. She was quiet for one min, and then began fussy cry (I think mantra cry). We shh/patted for 22 mins, and she fuss cried almost the whole time, then started a full-cry. We pu/pd 21 times 'til the 30 min mark from when she woke.
Here are my questions/needs...
Q1: If she sleeps for ten minutes, do we start the 45 mins over? still stop if she is not asleep at 45 mins?
Q2: Do you see how I could improve?
Q3: After the second try when she slept for 30 min, did we intervene in the best way?
Q4: Do we keep doing the same thing all day even if she does not get more than a 30 minute nap? My concern is that she is getting over tired.
Any encouragement is welcome!! This is hard, but I want to be a good mom.
Thanks in advance.