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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2010, 21:50:45 pm »
Poor thing! She's really fighting off a bunch of things!

Hey, if she'll take 2 naps definitely offer!  You'll know she's better when she won't take a 2nd nap even with only a 15 minute AM!  :)
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2010, 22:05:05 pm »
Okay new update... She refused the pm nap but was completely exhausted. So I put the baby down for a nap b/c he was tired. And I told her mommy was tired (I sure am) and lets just cuddle and have some quite play time on her bed so she can rest. I brought some of her toys on the bed and just laid there while she played. I was pooped from all this! What do you know FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER ALMOST 2 YEARS she fell asleep on the bed. Since we taught her independent sleep she's NEVER slept with us or someone else. I don't think its easy to settle with someone else in her bed. But I guess she was so exhausted she just passed out. She slept from 2:20-4:10. That's the longest nap she's had in over a month.

She awoke in such pain in her ear but I was just glad she finally got some rest. I don't know there will be much sorting the naps out until she recovers from everything.

Here's what all she's recovering from:
viral lung infection that started 3 weeks ago, almost better. but still some asthma
teething 2 canines
Ear infection
Now diahrea from the antibiotic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it can get so bad so quickly??!! Its nuts!
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Offline gavinsmum1

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2010, 01:09:51 am »
That's quite a handful you've got there!! 
I can believe it can be that bad.  Two months ago, I had to sick kids, one teething, with a dual ear infection and it took 4 rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it.  We were up at least 5 times a night for a month with that little guy.  It's definitely not something I'd wish on anyone. 
I think sometimes we stress so much about the independent sleeping thing that we forget that sometimes our LO are so distraught themselves about what's going on and just need us to be there for them.  I think you should definitely just try to get through this in any way you can and don't worry about comforting your child.  She's obviously needing a big dose of TLC and she'll get back to normal once she's feeling better.  Thank goodness this doesn't happen with the adult teeth...

Hang in there, we're checking in to offer encouragement and words of support!! You're handling things amazingly!

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2010, 01:57:25 am »
Thanks sooooooooo much for the encouragement!! It has been rough. And I see you know what I'm going through too!! Wow 4 rounds of antibiotics is a lot. Poor guy!!! How did you get him to nap and such?

I'm sure hoping this antibiotic kicks this ear infection fast. She's chewing on her hands and pulling at her ears b/c they hurt so bad.

I had been giving teething tabs during the day and motrin at night. But I have now switched to motrin day and night. Her pain is just severe. I'm not quite sure what else to do really.

I've been giving her probiotics (per the dr) that is supposed to help her diarrhea. So I'm hoping that helps. This antibiotic is just so hard on her tummy and I"m guessing the motrin isn't helping either.

If you have any ideas on how else I can help her get through this I'd love more advice!!!! Thanks so much. :)
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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2010, 16:37:45 pm »
The craziest thing just happened today. Yesterday was very strange too when she fell asleep on our bed with me in it. She has NEVER done that. She is sooooooooooooooo spirited/sensitive and has always needed her own bed with NO people around or stimulus.....

So today I was feeding lo#2 and she crawled behind me and the rocking chair and just fell asleep there. It was crazy! So I burped the baby and laid him on the ground. Then just put her in her crib upstairs. Isn't that strange??!! What to make of that??

I was trying to only do 1 nap today. Its her preschool day but it was called off due to bad weather. So I thought I'd keep her on her normal one nap. She was yawning and such around 9:30 like she always does, but I tried to distract her with some quite/gentle not too over stimulating play. So my plan was to feed the baby and then give her lunch, then a nap straight away. But she didn't even make it to lunch. I did give motrin at breakfast as she was in quite a bit of pain. So I'm guessing that helped take the edge off enough to fall asleep sitting straight up.

She is still recovering from the lung infection, ear infection, still teething 2 canines, terrible allergies and now diahrrea from the antibiotic for the ears. I'm guessing she just very tired at the moment. But I didn't want to do a morn nap after her afternoon nap refusal just to later fall asleep on our bed. I was hoping with the antibiotics (hoping it would start healing the ear infection allowing her to rest finally) she'd be able to take a good long afternoon nap to try to get rid of some of the ot. Then I was going to do a early bt. (she woke at 6:45am which is still a bit early for her)

So I'm kinda at a loss for what's going on. Has anyone had this happen with a kid falling asleep like that? Sitting straight up? Its way weird. But I was avoiding the morn cn due to what happened yesterday with the 2nd nap refusal. Actually REFUSING to get into her crib. Screaming bloody murder when I'd go near it. Strange. The Dr did say that when their ears are hurting it makes the pressure and pain way worse when they lay flat.
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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2010, 21:49:38 pm »
okay update......... She slept for a hour after she fell asleep between me and the chair as I was feeding the baby. (I put her in her crib after I finished up the baby's feed) She of course woke screaming. (11:15-12:15)

Then around 4pm she went bonkers b/c I had to change the babys diaper and care for him a bit. She went so crazy, I know she's not well.

She fell asleep in my arms, so I carried her upstairs and laid her down again. I'm guessing its easier for her to fall asleep with her head elevated than laying down. Now I don't want to make a huge mistake by AP'ing too much. But I want to help and comfort her as much as possible. I would have NO problem AP'ing more but I've got a newborn to care for and I can't just hold her through all her naps and such.

I NEED ADVICE PLEASE!! Should I just roll with the punches as much as I can for now (and as much as the baby lets me)? We are so off schedule and out of wack right now. 4pm is VERY late for her to nap but I know she's exhausted and sick right now.

Just push bedtime back??
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
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Offline katie80

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2010, 19:49:25 pm »
I know this is late and you've already decided what to do, but it really does seem like you'll have to roll with it.  She does sound in an awful lot of pain and very tired.  Now, you know I'm in a bind with the AP I've done, but in your case, she REALLY probably needs the help.  So, offer what you feel comfortable with and try to get her the sleep she needs.  I'd say if she's falling asleep in those weird places, she needs the comfort and is really exhausted.  Poor little girl, that's a lot to be going through!  And you must be so tired too.  Sending lots of (((hugs)))!

Also meant to add, a 1 hr nap is usually OT here, that could be what happened yesterday. 
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 19:51:16 pm by katie80 »

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2010, 20:24:35 pm »
Thanks Katie!!

Yes I have been APing some stuff. She's just been beside herself lately. I don't want to go too over board b/c I know the bind it got us into last time. And how LONG it took us to get our little spirited girl out of the bad habits.... But she's sooooo sick right now I've got to get her some rest.

Today we did a cn in the car (4 month old got a cn too and it threw us off a bit, but I'll just put him down early tonight) and then I let her relax in my arms for 10 or so minuets before I laid her down for her nap. (baby was taking a nap at the time so I had the time to ap) She did great! She slept for close to two hours. That's the longest nap sleep she's had in a month or two!!

UPDATE FROM LAST NIGHT: She took a nap (fell asleep after screaming bloody murder for forever) at 4pm and didn't wake until 7:30am!! That's the latest wake up she's had in MONTHS!! And she didn't wake screaming. :) So I'm guessing the antibiotic is kicking in and allowing her to get some rest. I did go up at 8pm and put her in her jammies and night diaper, give milk and some motrin. She dove right back in bed and was off to sleep in seconds. I was worried she'd wake in the middle of the night and think it was day, but much to my surprise she slept right on through!!

She is still fussy today and in pain. But not as bad as yesterday. She's still digging at her ear and chewing on her hands.. but a little improvement from yesterday. :) :) :)
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Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
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Offline katie80

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2010, 20:45:35 pm »
Oh, wow.  What a rough go she's having.  Can't believe she slept that long last night!!! And a good nap today, too.  Hope it helps and she feels better soon!   :-*

Offline gavinsmum1

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2010, 02:07:40 am »
Just catching up here as I've been away from the computer for a few days, we're having beautiful weather!!
I can't believe what your little girl is going through!  She must really be struggling through all the teething and the pain of the ear infection on top of it.  I know that when my little guys are really sick, they will often do things really out of character too, like act up or fall asleep outside their "normal" sleep times.  My three year old was ill a few months back and he actually had two naps for a couple of days.
It is good to hear that she's getting some longer sleeps in.  The antibiotics must be working and she's starting to play catch up.  Just keep on rolling with things.  It sounds like you've got good grace under pressure! :)   Hang in there!!

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2010, 15:27:19 pm »
Thanks so much for the encouragement!! I really appreciate it.

It seems the ears are getting a little better. Still painful for sure. The top two canines seem like they are about to burst through. Just wish they would already!!! But the motrin is helping her now.

She's been on the motrin on and off for a month now. I hate giving it to her for this long but if I don't she's about beside herself. :( I guess I'll just keep giving it??
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Offline gavinsmum1

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2010, 23:21:39 pm »
I feel the same way about medicating.  In my head, this is how I justify it: either I have a baby who is in pain, crying, unable to settle or sleep properly, leading to OT, or I have a baby that is using something that is perfectly safe and relieves his pain. Risk vs. benefit.  I try to use homeopathic remedies as much as I can.  Camilia was recommended to me by another mom.  It comes in a tablet, gel, or liquid form.  I found that did work during the day.

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Re: Help!! Is this our NEW wake time?
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2010, 00:16:59 am »
Well I have great news to report. I believe her ear infection is gone. She saw the Dr yesterday and he said her ears are clear. And I believe it b/c she's been sleeping a little better. Her naps are still terrible, but she's sleeping better at nights and waking up at 7:30am. I'm soooooooooo happy for that!! :)
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
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