I've got a 23 month lo who will be changing nursery next month. I'm wanting somewhere that does year round (the one she is at is only while school is in session) and that is a hour longer (which enables her to finish her nap instead of being woken in the middle). She has only been at this nursery 3 1/2 months but loves it. We only have tearful good byes when she's teething and such.
She has a bear and blanket that she sleeps with there. But I'm worried about if she will make the change okay. And how she will cope with napping at a new place. She's VERY sensitive. She won't even nap at my parents house (and we are there 3-4 times a week). She did make the adjustment to the old nursery pretty well. Took her 2 days to be able to settle for her naps.
She only goes 2 days a week and it will remain the same at the new one.
Any advice or tips on what I can do to make the change easier for her?