After a solid year of EWs between 5-5:30, we are finally getting 6/6:30 wakings with a late bedtime. We did get a 5:40 waking yesterday, but then back to 6:15 today. Honestly, we just went with a later set nap time and this just translated into a later bedtime. I had to accept that my LO is only going to sleep 10/10.5 hours per night no matter what and that I was going to lose my time in the evening. We now have him down at 7:30/7:45 and he is sleeping by 8. He is still teething and working on his canines, but the EWs aren't happening as much. I am not quite sure though if developmentally something changed, so this actually worked for us, if he isn't in as much pain as before, or if it is the late bedtime that is working. But for whatever reason, he is waking at a reasonable hour.
We also got one of those night lights that shift to a sun when it is time to wake up and while I thought he would never get it, he actually does. I hear him get excited when the sun comes on and then goes from happily playing in his crib, to wanting to get out. My LO is older than yours though. But I wanted to add that it has helped us.