Author Topic: Almost 24 months lo plus new baby. How frequently to rotate toys. Toddler bored  (Read 2636 times)

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Offline alohahellokitty

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I've got 2 under 2 until a couple more weeks.

My toddler is quite bored around the house (baby napping). I try to take her outside in our back yard when the baby is napping (weather permitting, bad weather lately).

How often should I rotate her toys??

How much tv should I let her watch??

She is very spirited and gets bored VERY easily!!! I'm running out of ideas. :( Her and her baby brother both have ear infections and she is teething her canines as well.

She goes to nursery 2 half days a week. This does help with some of the boredom.

Things she is bored of (guess I'm doing too often):
play doh
Her current toys
side walk chalk

She has never been allowed to watch much TV. But on her days when she's not in nursery I allow her to watch one or two 30min baby Einstein show or something like that. She's on this elmo kick (mom gave her a couple elmo toys) so I might try to get some elmo dvd's.

Thanks so much for any tips!!! :) :)
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel

Offline RachelC

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Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline alohahellokitty

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thanks for the links I'll check them out. :)
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel

Offline brenda2

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2 under 2 is really hard.  i had that situation last summer.  dd watched quite a bit of tv on the rainy days or when dd was napping.  mostly because i needed her to do something quiet and we live in a small house.  if it wasn't raining and dd2 was napping we went outside to the backyard.

i found i have bought a lot of new toys over the long winter just to keep her occupied as i have been home with the both of them.  it's great to have different things on hand that keep her entertained and not just the tv.

her favorite things last year (other than elmo) were:
playing makebelieve with a baby - swaddling it, carrying it around, putting it down for nap, pushing it in stroller, feeding it.  whatever she watched me do with our baby she would do with hers.
play kitchen
bubbles outside
puzzles - she loves puzzles and since they are so good for hand eye coordination and planning i have bought a lot of puzzles all different abilities.  melissa and doug make great wooden ones that are easy to handle for younger kids.
park - we spent a lot of time at the park rain or shine, of course doesn't help you when baby is napping but we also spent time in the backyard with various outdoor toys - basketball hoop, pool, balls, slide, digging etc.
hide and seek - indoors or outdoors
water play - set her up on the deck with a few containers of water, ice, measuring cups, squirty toys, spray bottles etc and would get a few hours out of her! sweet!



Offline alohahellokitty

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Great! Thanks for the tips!! I'll give those ideas a try!
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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Did you see Mashi's post about the rice, pasta, beans activities? I am going to go out tonight and buy some and dye the rice rainbow colors with food coloring so DD can scoop, pour, sort, mix, etc. I think she'll really like this.

I second babydolls....DD plays with hers for hours. She feeds them with spoons and bottles, swaddles them, puts them places to sleep, pushes them in a small stroller.

She also loves watching Calliou...which we let her see maybe once a day on demand. I think it's 3 10 or 15 minute 30-45 minutes at most. I save this often for when I need a shower, but baby nap time might be a good time.

I googled some ideas and there was one about hanging large paper or an old white sheet outside and letting them use food colored water on paint brushes or in a spray bottle to decorate. That sounds fun.

For bad weather days, let's about some food fun? Making a fruit salad or ants on a log.

You could let her use shaving cream in the bathtub or on a cookie tray to "finger paint" (I heard you can mix this with food coloring also to make it more fun)

Do you think she'd like dress up? My DD loves putting on my shoes, etc. and I was thinking of getting her some old hand-me down grown up things to play dress up. Big beaded necklaces, hats, shoes.

I hope some of this sparks some ideas! You're making me feel good because DD is pretty good at entertaining herself :) sorry.

Offline alohahellokitty

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Thanks so much!! I can't wait to try some of these ideas.... Now what about pasta rice and beans activity? I didn't see that one.
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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She said she put out a large sheet or something and put rice, dry beans and pasta out with measuring cups and spoons, containers, a funnel, etc. and let him go to town playing with the stuff! Then she used the sheet to put it all into a container for future playtimes and vacuumed any leftover pieces!

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At that age, and still now, my dd liked to do fine-motor things.  I promise if you go to Target or Toys R Us and get a plastic tea-set, put some water in the teapot, there is no end to how long she might play with that!!  Does she have her own table?  My dd LOVES having her own kid-sized table and chairs....she got it when she turned 2 and she is still there, every they don't need help getting up and down, it's totally safe.  Mine is in the kitchen so I can set her up, do my own thing, chat with her, keep re-joining her too.   

Also...watercolor know the kind that have 10 or 12 colors and you dip your brush in water?  She loved that so much...still does!  And these are not easy to find, but there are painting books, where the paint is already on the page and when the lo brushes with water the dots become paint?  OMG....a huge hit! 

There is a refrigerator toy (leap frog I think?) that has magnet letters you put into the base and it sings about what letter it is and what sound it's super-cute and I JUST took it down, and my dd is 3.5!   If your lo has a birthday coming up, that would be a great gift!

Offline alohahellokitty

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Thanks everyone for these great ideas. I'll start putting some into practice. :) Thanks!!
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel