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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #195 on: November 18, 2010, 00:24:52 am »
Marion - Ella had reflux and hated sippys for a long time (didn't like having to lean back to get it) but for some reason she took to a straw sippy. Worh a try... She also didn't like cows milk at first so I tried soy milk and she liked it a bit better. After a while I just switched back to cow's milk and she was fine with it. But when all else fails I let her drink from my cup - she LOVES it. I hold it ofcourse but it's a sure fire way to get her to drink more.  ;)

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #196 on: November 18, 2010, 17:26:06 pm »
So sneaky, Jaci!  But it's true.  Whatever you have, your LO will want it evne if what she has in front of her is exaclty the same... 
I understand about the juice, Marian.  I don't give Aiden juice either, except the odd bit of orange juice very diluted!!  If Graydon would take it you could then slowly reduce the amount of juice in it until it's just water. 

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #197 on: November 21, 2010, 22:11:20 pm »
Graydon is now drinking from the sippy! I was quite sick with the flu for a few days and though I still nursed him it wasn't as often so he did drink from the sippy. I guess all the other times when he would suck out liquid and then drool it out, he wasn't thirsty enough to drink. Maybe I should cut one of the bfs out at his age now.

I think we have a cow's milk issue here. I have been giving him cow's milk in his cereal and ever since we started he has been having these crazy acidic smelly diapers and he's been having about 4 dirty diapers a day. Yesterday they were almost green. He has not been fussy and he has not been sick at all so I'm sure it's the milk. DD had severe milk protein allergy and Graydon had severe reflux from birth to 8 months so I'm not surprised. Yet another reason I'm so happy that we continued bfing to this age of 15 months and that he bfs as often as he does.
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #198 on: November 21, 2010, 22:17:36 pm »
DS will drink loads if he thinks it is someone elses drink. I usually just get a drink and put it on the table near me an dhe assumes it is mine and asks for some (signs). He does love an open cup and could drink independently from it earlier than I thought he would. i don't bother offering CM's as it is not good they get too much milk at this age so if BF 2x or more there is prob no benefit to extra  CM. K did strat drinking much more when I went back to work and so BFing in the day stopped. Maybe you should cut all CM and see if the superpoops clear up then you will know forsure. Thanks G for BM.

If people ask when I plan to stop BFing I usually say "it's recommended until 2 so I've no reason to stop before then" and most peolple say "is it?" really surprised. It also says until 2 in the Qu'ran so lots of our family will accept that as a good reason. I do avoid feeding in public though because DS is so on/off it is too hard to be descreet.

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #199 on: November 22, 2010, 00:15:18 am »
I took him of the CM today to see if there's a difference, even though it was such a small amount it doesn't take much.

I still bf in public, I guess I forget he's now a "toddler" and quite long when he lays on my lap I just don't think much. Nowadays it just usually in bfing rooms (there everywhere here) as it's now too cold to bf him outside at the park. I think the only non-bfing room place I feed him is the library but it's in the kiddie section and I could care less what people think, especially since we're the ones doing something that's recommended iykwim.
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #200 on: November 22, 2010, 21:06:06 pm »
I hope Graydon is feeling better for the no CM.
I don't care what people think either and I would BF if he really wanted it but I'd rather keep my breast from full exposure if possible. K often pops right off and points at it saying "boob" and I say "yes" and then he goes back on again. Cute but it does draw attention. I happily BF at the dinner table when my extended family are around - we are very pro BFing in my family. All 3 of us sisters are BF toddlers still. Funny because my mum never did.

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #201 on: November 22, 2010, 23:42:17 pm »
LOL that he stops bfing, points, and says "boob"! though I can see how that would NOT be funny in public!

The no CM doesn't seem to be making a difference, his poops were the same today so I'm wondering if he's teething. I'll keep him off the CM just to be on the safe side for at least a few days to be sure.

My evening supply seems to be quite low, I guess from being sick last week when I didn't pump at night, I pumped last night and barely got an ounce! Not sure if I should just keep doing it anyways or just let it go. Gray is now 15 months and I have a good supply in the freezer. The only reason I started pumping when he was a baby was to have milk to mix with his food and purees that I make. Other than the cereal, I really don't need it anymore I guess. He seems to be taking his regular evening feed.
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #202 on: November 23, 2010, 15:43:30 pm »
Cadan likes soya milk, would Graydon go for that do you think?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #203 on: November 24, 2010, 01:59:46 am »
I might just try soya milk. Graydon had 4 poopy diapers today :(, 3 were one after the other all in the morning. By tonight his poop diaper was dark, which was the blueberries he ate with his breakfast so his food is going through him fast now. Still the acid smell to them too. So thankful we're still bfing!
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #204 on: November 24, 2010, 14:43:35 pm »
When Cadan eats a lot of fruit his poops get very acidic smelling.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #205 on: November 24, 2010, 18:50:21 pm »
Oh no, really? Graydon has been eating more fruit, he loves pomegranites, blueberries, and apple sauce. Gee, now I am wondering if it's the fruit. Today is good so far, he had only one small poop with a normal smell.
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #206 on: November 24, 2010, 20:18:44 pm »
I don't worry about it though. the fruit is acidic so it makes sense to me that the poop should be too. Most foods Cadan eats come out only partially digested at the moment. I just figured his gut is still maturing. Whenever the poop is black I know he;s had blueberries.
Looks like we are going to drop the BT BF soon. He just isn't interested. It is a fight to get him to take 8 mins and takes about 45 mins to do it. I am thinking of pumping and seeing if he will take it in a cup. I haven't pumped for ages so not sure if I can even get anything.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #207 on: November 24, 2010, 21:06:15 pm »
Hello girls!

I'm very excited to be able to join you! DD2 was 1yr about a week and a half ago and we're still BF happily :D I'm so pleased we've made it this far as I had a hard time with DD1, due to lack of support and knowledge mainly, and at 9.5 mos my supply had totally dried up due to bottle preference and she was done :( I had really wanted to go to a year, and now that I'm at one year with DD2 I can't imagine giving it up for a long time yet as we're both enjoying it so much still and it is so easy most of the time that I can't see any point in stopping, especially when I know how good it is for them to carry on. I'm at home full time atm and will be for a while (Swedish maternity leave is awesome!) so don't need to worry about weaning feeds or pumping. Such a difference to last time (in UK) when I went back part time to work at 4mos, struggled to pump enough to give her BM only and had supply issues and bottle preference problems all the way through really. When I think about it, it wasn't bad at all that I made it as far as I did with our issues and no support. This time I have had so much more knowledge and haven't even bothered about pumping/bottles at all, just focussed on the BF and it's been so great! ;D

I'm getting to the stage now where some people have started to question my decision to carry on BF, and I don't have any friends who BF a toddler, so am very glad to be able to be part of this thread and look forward to chatting with you all :)

"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

I Breastfed DD1 9.5 months and DD2 21.5 months
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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #208 on: November 24, 2010, 21:10:21 pm »
Congrats Vicku. What an acheivement with your first and second DDs. Well done.
i shouldn't officially be here yet but here I am. Only a few weeks and I can be a bonafide member.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #209 on: November 25, 2010, 00:16:31 am »
Welcome!  Vicku!  Great job on the BF (both times around!). 