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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #360 on: April 10, 2011, 01:05:43 am »
hugs to you Ali. It is hard when they decide to wean themselves. It sounds like you really enjoyed that time with him in the morning..

I used to keep her occupied with random things..phones ..just to keep her there ::) ;D She's really needing less and less of her bedtime feed...which is great but so weird since we've been doing it for so log.

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #361 on: April 10, 2011, 20:06:28 pm »
Well today Cadan did want his morning feed although it was only 13mins rther than the 20 something it normally is. Then we were out longer than I expected this morning at a christening and he asked for another BF before his nap. Since he hadn't eaten lunch as he normally does I fed him and he fell asleep! Becoming a bit of a habit lately which is strange as he had gone months without falling asleep feeding until just recently. Then he only slept for 45mins and woke up screaming. Asked for more BF which I gave him and he fell asleep again! I let him sleep in my arms fro 30mins as I fell asleep myself. Later found out it had been a poop that woke him, opps! Then he had his normal BF for BT and went down independently to sleep.
So from 1 feed in 24 yesterday he has gone to 4 BFs today. Strange boy.  So looks like he is not looking to wean just yet. FX.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #362 on: April 11, 2011, 06:50:22 am »
Hey Ali,

Hayden's feed numbers per day vary a lot as well. There have been times when I thought he would self wean cause he was too busy to think about BFing, but a couple days later he was back to feeding regularly or even more. I really think it depends which mood they are in each day, if they are really distracted and if they feel well. BFing isn't that important anymore that he can easily go without it, particularly since he drinks a lot of cows milk, but then it still is a comfort item he likes to go back to when he feels like cuddling. Just wait and see where it all goes to.

Good luck K's mom for everything coming up.
Manuela - Hayden (02 July 2009), Lukas (27 July 2011)

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #363 on: April 11, 2011, 20:30:27 pm »
Thanks Manueli. K is still a little boobaholic when we are at home. He has asked several times lately when out and when I say not here he just runs off happily which is at least good. I couldn't handle the constant feeding if it was at playgroup, shopping, the pub etc as well as home.
Hope Cadan keeps supping a bit longer for you ali. I wonder if he doesn't like the taste as much/the extra work if your supply has dipped with the pg? maybe at the end when it picks up again he will be back with avengence like K.

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #364 on: April 11, 2011, 20:38:31 pm »
Yeah maybe KM. I have tried asking him if there is milk but he doesn't seem to be able to understand what I mean yet. I also saw 2 openings on his top gums today where his canines seem to be finally cutting through so it could have been that too. Or maybe that is why he is back on it since yesterday. We did 3x BFs today, morning, after nap and BT. The after nap one was 30mins which is really long for him, so maybe it is the teething. He had woken screaming and was hard to calm down even with a cuddle.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #365 on: April 17, 2011, 21:02:56 pm »
Hi girls, we're back! :D

Glad to say that my poor nipple healed very quickly when I gave it some time off :) I didn't feed on that side for about 30 hrs and no bad effect on my supply. I did leak a bit on the aeroplane though :P ;D

Hugs Yazzie!! {{{{{{}}}}}} It is bittersweet when they grow up.

Ali, I hope C carries on for a while yet. It is very possible that both the PG and his teething is affecting things. We can also have very varying days, from only wake up and Bt feeds to that and another two or three! feeds in the day.

They both had 16 teeth by the time they self-weaned...but then they were never the type to want to "soothe on the boob" so perhaps its the non nutritive sucking thats causing the pain rather than the feeding per se?
Sienna really isn't the type to comfort suck much either. She has her beloved dummies for that, and is a very fast BF'er. We never have a feed last longer than 10 mins tops, so I don't think it's non-nutritive sucking that's causing us problems. As soon as she stops swallowing (when the milk flow slows) she's off and wanting the other side, or finishing the feed.

It's nice to be back on here :) Not felt so good about being back home though, a bit of the holiday blues I think, but it's cheered me up coming on this thread again and reading all your posts. VERY excited for you KM, it's so close now!

I'm off to bed to get some sleep as YES we're still waking several times a night ::) It's got to stop soon!! Will be back to devise a plan LOL
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #366 on: April 17, 2011, 21:09:07 pm »
Cadan did 3xBFs again today so I think we are OK for a while. His teeth I saw cutting through seem to have disappeared though ??? I have heard they can do that but it is as if I imagined them.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #367 on: April 28, 2011, 11:39:11 am »
Just wanted to pop on and say hi.  DS stopped wanting to BF a little while ago.  One morning, poof, that was it.  No more mommy juice :(  Sad but I was glad he chose to do it himself.  17.5 months proudly breastfed!!!

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #368 on: April 28, 2011, 21:01:12 pm »
Well done Stef that is great.
My sister who doesn't BW has always BF'd her DS to sleep. He still wakes up to 5x a night and has to be BF'd back to sleep. He will be 2yo next month and she has decided enough is enough. She told him her boobies are sore and she needs meds from the dr to make them feel better so he is going to have his milk from a cup and just have mummy snuggles. He didn't say anything when she said it but has been going to sleep with her just sitting in the room after a snuggle and has not asked for a BF once!!! I find that amazing that a LO who was SO dependent on the boob can be weaned so easily. She is only on day 3 but feeling strong. He's still waking about 3x at night but just having a snuggle and going back to sleep.
We are still doing 2 or 3 BFs a day when he asks which is currently always when he wakes for the day and at BT and sometimes when he wakes from his nap.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #369 on: April 29, 2011, 19:09:29 pm »
Well done Stephanie! ;D It must be great to have him self-wean. I hope Sienna will do that too. How many feeds a day were you on before he stopped wanting it?
Ali, that's an interesting story about how your sister's DS just acceptad that explanation :)

Sienna has had Rotavirus and is just starting to eat properly again. When she was ill she didn't have any food, just milk. I was once again very happy to have my milk to give to her, and thanks to nursing she didn't get too dehydrated despite vomiting loads first two days with some diarrhoes (sorry TMI) then days and days of diarrhoe, bless her. She's lost weight though so am working on fattening her up. I've started taking Fenugreek to boost my milk supply too, and have noticed her taking longer feeds. Better for me with longer feeds than more feeds like she was wanting :P
The nightweaning I had loosely planned for Easter weekend went down the sink though :-\ ::) and the weaning from 4 to 3 daytime feeds hasn't progressed much either, so we're still on either 3 or 4 daytime feeds plus usually 2 nightfeeds. Saying that, she did two 8 hr stretches for me prior to getting ill. Fingers crossed she'll start doing that again soon and that it wasn't just tiredness from starting to get ill.

"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #370 on: April 29, 2011, 19:21:16 pm »
Poor Sienna.
My nephew even STTN to 5.20am last night and then went back down for another 2hrs after a drink and cuddle. It really is an amazing transformation.
I was in the shower when Cadan got up this morning so DH got him up and then by the time I was ready and saw him he said he didn't want a BF when I offered. He did have 3x small BFs before and after the nap and then at BT. I normally try to distract him from any requests before his nap as it is normally a distraction tactic but we had guests over and I needed to calm him down and make him forget all the fun he had been having so he would go to sleep without a fuss. It worked!
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #371 on: May 02, 2011, 08:17:11 am »
big hugs and well done on 17.5 mths Stefanie....its great that your DS self-weaned....and even better for you, you'll have another LO in no time at all so you can get started again!

Hugs Vick on the rotavirus }}{{ Emma never really got as sick as anyone around her, to this day. And when she had D&V (wasn't rota though, I think, as she had the shot for that as a tiny LO, though I don't know how long that shot works for) or swine flu (at 14 mths and at 6 mths) she really wasn't bothered by them at all. I just found it so funny that on going back to 6 or 7 feeds a day her poops became NB like again!!!

Thats a whopping amount of feeds she's taking though, wow! 6 in 24 hrs! Last time my two did this they must have been 3 or 4 mths old, apart from being sick around a year old, like I said above.

How is the solid intake going, apart from now after Rota? It sound as though Sienna is getting enough nourishment to get her going in a short 10 min BF that it keeps her going all day.... My sister's daughter is the same, just with cow's milk. She prefers not to eat, almost at all right now at 25 mths. She's always been a poor feeder though, BF FF or solids....

Hugs to all }}{{

S x

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #372 on: May 02, 2011, 12:19:25 pm »
Hi Ladies ,

So we weaned about a month back , when i took my trip out of town.
I got back in 4 days. She still asked for her "boo boo" , but i told her that i gave it to another baby, who is very young ,and needs it now to grow as big as she has grown.
She still loves the boobies , and wants to be held close , and ofcourse the snuggles are being asked for.

but its nice to have bf her for 24 months!

but now am happy to have my self to my self !


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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #373 on: May 02, 2011, 20:21:30 pm »
Well done on the 24 months Richa! ;D That is a very long time to have given her your milk and you should be proud that you continues for so long. I bet it is nice to have your breasts back to yourself too.

Yeah shiv, 5-6 feeds still. Occasionally it's 4. I've not actively weaned any just let her take the lead, until now when I'm trying to cut out one daytime feeding. She doesn't need it, it's just for comfort really I think. I think I have quite a small storage capacity too, so not been wanting to cut down and affect my supply badly, which happened with Lois.
She still eats solids really well actually. And while the milk intake has sort of stayed the same for ages, her solids intake has slowly kept increasing. The milk is more of a liquid snack/drink for her I think and as she's a small girl I think it's better that she's drinking my milk (with lots of good stuff and calories) for her thirst, than to quench her thirst with water. It's more a practical thing that I want to cut to 3 dayfeeds. Not always practical to feed a toddler out and about :P

She's much better now from the Rotavirus and is eating like a little pony to make up for the days of no food :D
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: Extended nursing thread part 3
« Reply #374 on: May 03, 2011, 23:50:57 pm »
Vicku, he was down to just the morning feed when he stopped.  We had been doing morning am and pm but two weeks prior had stopped the pm because he didn't seem t want it and was wiggling like crazy and just chomping.