Author Topic: How much TV?  (Read 8501 times)

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2010, 12:46:58 pm »
Violence and obesity could easily be related to the other environmental factors though, not to mention choice of show. Violent video games are also in the mix.  DS1 is a mix of both hypo and hyper sensitive, a lot of his hyperactivity stems from that. I'm not worried about either violence or obesity here, he is neither of those.

I remain to be convinced that kids aren't born with hyperactive traits! Some do grow out of it, do some grow into it? If so, I can only imagine that if there were issues of abuse or neglect.

Basically it's not just the amount of telly watching that's an issue, it's the programs they watch and how they spend the rest of the day. I can see the point in doing the studies, however the parents who feel guilty about it probably have the least to worry and the ones who SHOULD worry probably don't care less!

I just remember going to school with kids who were severely restricted in how much or what they could watch in TV, they were quite resentful for the most part. I guess the control of tv by the parents also spilled over into other areas though so hard to separate.

That said I do restrict the amount of TV he watches -  I think he would be better off doing other things with his time. But  I don't think 1 hour watching telly while I get dinner ready is going to hurt him.


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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2010, 14:54:16 pm »
I also said we do watch tv.  H doesn't ask to watch tv now that the weather is nice; I am not even restricting it.  I am certainly able to be critical of our tv viewing, which is not as good in the winter.  I think we all have yet to see studies saying watching tv will whittle your waistline and solve a multitude of other issues, lol.

Some kids actually suffer traumatic brain injury that goes undiagnosed, and it can be a factor in adhd (so falling off a bike, ect).  The minds of boys cites this, too, and states that kids getting a diagnosis of adhd should also follow up with brain scans with the neurologist (most of the families I know with some exceptions have done that).  Let's not even start a discussion on the over referral of kids for adhd.  ;-)  So, it doesn't have to be abuse.  And in my experience working in the school system, there are a good number of kids that present symptoms later in life and not from birth; who ever can figure it out will be very rich, indeed.  Depression in childhood can also look like attentional issues (as we mentioned there can be lots of issues and adhd has a comorbidty rate with other diagnosis, too).  The list can go on.  As I said, because there is no definitive cause, I am selective about tv.   

I think we are on the same page as far as not being able to control for all factors, and advocating for a reasonable amt of tv viewing time and being selective about what kids watch?  One of the parents I am mentioning did not have tv as a kid; (I bet there were times he was resentful), but he has decided based on reasearch (he reads a TON) and his experience to have no tv.  The other family just decided to not have a tv after a lot of deciding.

Glad we can have a good discussion.  As Tracy says, "Start as you mean to go."     

Offline brenda2

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2010, 15:59:08 pm »
Basically it's not just the amount of telly watching that's an issue, it's the programs they watch and how they spend the rest of the day. I can see the point in doing the studies, however the parents who feel guilty about it probably have the least to worry and the ones who SHOULD worry probably don't care less!

i totally agree with this.

i actually can see the link between obesity and violence and tv viewing however as said before this would depend on the amount and type of shows viewed.  if a child spends all/most of his day watching violent tv shows and video games then i think he/she probably would be obese and violent.  however a few hours watching carefully selected shows probably won't have the same result, especially if the rest of his/her time was spent doing physical activity, books, puzzles, imaginary play etc.  i think we are all in agreement on that actually, though very good discussion.  everything in moderation right?!


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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2010, 18:22:29 pm »
everything in moderation right?!

Yes :) And DD has had WAY too much TV exposure today  :-[ Cr*ppy weather, DH's only day off in 10 so all he wanted to do was lounge around at home, which I can understand....but does the TV have to be on ALL DAY seriously  ::) Thankfully it was mostly Sky Sports News so DD had no interest in it anyway. And we ate all our meals together in the kitchen (no TV in there!) so that was nice...

Feel guilty though, tomorrow is going to be a better day! xxx
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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2010, 13:05:50 pm »
Yes as well as abuse should have included trauma!  I remember someone (Deb?) posting a link to a website that dealt with brain injuries, basically saying any blow to the head, however minor, could have possible future consequences.

We have neurological problems in the family (my Dad has Parkinson's, my mum dementia) so I am always a bit paranoid about anything that could potentially damage the brain.

Offline brenda2

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2010, 14:44:10 pm »
on the news tonight there was a review of a study that has linked exposure to pesticides on unwashed fruits and vegetables to ADHD.  so again i think they're not finished with researching what actually causes ADHD and there seems to be many causes including being born with it, so even if tv is linked it is just a small part of the picture and parents shouldn't think that if they let their kids watch a bit of tv they will end up with ADHD.


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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2010, 19:08:15 pm »
Also lack of sleep can be a major factor in children with ADHD.  We all know OT can manifest as hyperactivity ;)


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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2010, 19:09:33 pm »
LOL, well isn't that the TRUTH! 

Offline MLK

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #38 on: June 03, 2010, 11:11:54 am »
That's interesting about the pesticides, it is also liked to Parkinson's as well. Not surprising since they are neurotoxins.

DS1 used to love strawberries and they are one of the worst for pesticides. We got our own plants but he still ate a LOT of shop bought strawberries. We washed them but I since found out they use systemic pesticides on them which can't be washed off!

And I hear you on the OT! If only I colud get him to sleep in an extra hour in the morning...

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2010, 11:47:07 am »
as for the tv issue, i almost wish Caleb would sit still and watch it for me so i could get a break!!! i swear he has favourite shows but he will only watch them for 5 mins and if i walk away to do something, like prepare dinner or do washing etc, he leaves the tv and finds me wihtin 5 mins, but if i sit with him he will sit there for about 8 minutes, but really he just doesnt watch alot of tv. My boy is an outside boy to the bone!

sometimes i leave the tv running on most of the day just because i like the background noise and cant be bothered turning it off and on all the time but Caleb is hardly ever in the room where the tv is, hes usually playing in the dining area or our front lounge where most of his toys are... or he is anywhere i am just wanting my attention! lol
I used to worry about the tv being on as someone did say once that even having it running in the background isnt good but hey if hes not watching it then im not sure how its harming him?

Offline brenda2

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2010, 03:08:11 am »
i almost wish Caleb would sit still and watch it for me so i could get a break!!!
careful what you wish for.  i remember sayign this exact same thing when dd1 was about 15 mo - she would watch but only in passing and always playing and moving while watching.  then a few months later she found in the night garden and she would watch the entire 30 min.  i was in heaven - in the night garden came on at 4:30 which was perfect for me to make dinner.  anyway, now she'll watch hour upon hour ofdora and we have to push her to get up and turn it off.  so careful what you wish for!  he's just a bit young for it probably.



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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2010, 04:42:51 am »
As Tracy said, "Start as you mean to go".  I agree with Brenda. 

I worked with students in school regarding their academic skills.  So many parents would tell me their child would sit spend too much time with the tv (the habit started somewhere, right?), and they would refuse to do homework.  I guess that is in the back of my mind also.  :-(  I am also hoping to avoid a "I'm bored and there's no one to play with, so I will watch tv", also.  Pretty unlikely we can do that, but I guess we will give it a shot. 

Offline MLK

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2010, 05:05:48 am »
I avoided the TV with my two when they were little, esp when they in the tactile exploring stage, mouthing everything. I jsut thought at that stage they needed to learn about the real world and TV wasn't real. Closer to age 2  I let them watch a little Tv, usually 30 mins, and only at a set time a day. That way they learnt it was on for a while, then it was off.

I don't like a quiet house durign the day, os I put the radio on.

I am actually a bit annoyed at DH, on the mornings I get to sleep in he has started to switch the telly on the in the mornings "to keep them quiet". But I've spent years avoiding the telly in the morning!

If the parents can't get the kids to switch off the TV to do homework, well the parents don't set enough limits aroudn the TV - that habit must have started somewhere too! I think if you can teach kids to self regulate TV, starting off by doing it for them when they are little, it's a good thing. Same thing with junk food.

Mind you I have just come back from a birthday party when I have just been "told off" by one of the mothers having the party because DS1 asked for another piece of cake. then we had to leave in a hurry to get his brother down for the nap, so he wanted his lolly bag early and I got "reprimanded" agin. I am feeling really angry!

Offline brenda2

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2010, 19:02:24 pm »
Mind you I have just come back from a birthday party when I have just been "told off" by one of the mothers having the party because DS1 asked for another piece of cake. then we had to leave in a hurry to get his brother down for the nap, so he wanted his lolly bag early and I got "reprimanded" agin. I am feeling really angry!

i think that;s her problem, not yours.  reprimanding a kid for wanting another piece of cake?  didn't they all want another piece?  she's a bit high strung i'd say.



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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #44 on: June 06, 2010, 19:16:55 pm »
LOL, I love cake; can I have two pieces?  In all seriousness, sorry Lan.  :-( I think they are normal questions for kids to ask...