Author Topic: How much TV?  (Read 8505 times)

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How much TV?
« on: May 21, 2010, 14:46:16 pm »
Be much tv do your LO's watch in a day?

 We have been relying on it quite heavily with all thats been going on and DS loves it. In all honesty now we are just being lazy, its sure fire entertainment though and so easy to fall back on, especially now I'm getting big and fat!

 I am ashamed to say that DS currently watches for an hour in the morning while I clean up and he watches for an hour before bed, just loves in the night garden! I have been really guilty of throwing him in front of it in the middle of the day for a half hour too if I've got phonecalls to make or chores to do. I feel its getting excessive!!

Offline anna*

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 14:54:26 pm »
Stan usually watches 15-30 mins in the morning while we get him dressed and do skin creams and his bag ready for nursery. He watches in the evening as well - at least 10-15 mins, often much longer - like up to an hour :(

He is so shattered after nursery, it is easy to plonk him in front of the TV with his snack to fill in the time before bed/bath. I do feel guilty though and try to limit it.

His dad is TERRIBLE for watching a whole movie with him at the weekends. I mean once in a while I don't mind, like on a rainy day where we can all snuggle up and watch something together, but I don't want it to be a habit.

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 15:31:08 pm »
My DD watches cbeebies or milkshake in the morning whilst I get ready etc so about 15-30mins. Then 5-10 mins before bed (she also loves in the night garden!!).

I do use it sometimes before tea if she is starving and needs a distraction whilst I cook!

Oh and times like these right now when she is poorly and just thrown up on the sofa!!!! Nice!!!!


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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 16:27:25 pm »

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 19:58:13 pm »
Marisa (almost 5) watches 30-60 minutes a day, save for the rare occasion she watches a whole movie (but that's REALLY rare, like 1-2 times a year). DS tends to watch 15-30 minutes, most of it with her or while I'm cooking, etc.
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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2010, 20:58:13 pm »
Hmmm I am worse than the lot of you  :-[

TV is never on throughout the day (radio is though, I like some background noise!) But it is on from the minute she gets up (Playhouse Disney unfortunately) for a good couple of hours whilst we have brek (which is in the kitchen, no TV, but it's still on in the living room) potter around, change nappy etc. The thing is, DD never just sits and watches it, she plays with her toys, we read a book or 10 within half an hour of her getting up (and she DOES pay attention to the book despite TV being on) So it's never really worried me kwim?! Perhaps it's on so much she's totally bored of it!! And then by the end of the day sometimes she'll actually sit to watch 10/15 mins when she is tired, but I don't mind that either. We always talk about what's going on, what colour is that, what animal is that etc...OK I know I sound like I am totally trying to excuse myself now!! But I confess, the TV is on a lot more than it probably needs to be.
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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2010, 21:03:50 pm »
Yeah, the tv is on a lot more here too than I'd like to admit.   :-[  Especially since the baby has arrived.  I go through phases where it bothers me and I try to be more strict with it, but at some point I always cave and put it on.  T doesn't usually sit and watch it though, but I find if he's driving me nuts in another room and I start singing the theme song to one of his favorite shows that's on, he'll go running to it and leave me alone, although he won't often stay away!  :P  Anyways, I used to worry about it a lot more but I know he's a happy, active kid that would rather be outside or doing other fun stuff anyway, so I'm sure the tv he does watch isn't going to really hurt him. 
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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2010, 03:21:02 am »
i find it really varies, but mostly i am worse than you guys  :-[ :-\

if it is raining and we are home all day then it is probably on quite a bit with dd either watching it or not but if it's sunny and we are out then much much less or none at all.  last winter when i was home with both of them and a young baby it was on way more than i wanted it to be.  some days this spring or last summer i can honestly say none.

as charlibob does, it tends to be on in the background and dd sort of watches it as she putters around and plays with her toys or looks at books, not sure how much watching she actually does she's a pretty busy kid.   it is for sure on while i get ready in the morning 15-20 min.  if dd doesn't have a nap we have quiet time and this is usually watching a few shows (she really loves dora), if she does have a nap then i have to wake her up and she's such a bad waker upper that i usually put a show on then too to help the process.  and another 30 min at least while i make dinner.

so on average maybe 2 hours but sometimes much less.

for those of you with kids age 2ish sesame street has a good website with some games for young kids. "video games" sort of.  they can push the buttons and see elmo singing head and shoulders or twinkle twinkle.  dd gets a kick out of it but it's not an independent type of play, she needs help.


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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2010, 09:17:55 am »
See, when it is on here, Stan is totally transfixed by it. Mesmerised. It is hard to get his attention away. I think that's why I try hard to limit it (don't always do so well though especially on grey rainy days like today).

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2010, 09:40:47 am »
Yup, its just such an easy 'get of jail free' card! Es[ecially when you are home all day long and its rainy outside.  :)

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2010, 09:48:22 am »
if it is raining and we are home all day then it is probably on quite a bit with dd either watching it or not but if it's sunny and we are out then much much less or none at all.  last winter when i was home with both of them and a young baby it was on way more than i wanted it to be.  some days this spring or last summer i can honestly say none.
We're like this too Brenda  :-[  :-[

More than I would ideally like but when you have a small house work four days a week and have SO much to do at weekends... well you know the drill.  Not great but sometimes you have more important things that need to be done without a toddler hanging off your leg.  :-\

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2010, 11:44:48 am »
you know sometimes i think we are way too hard on ourselves over t.v time.Some childrens programs can be v.eduational,i know my ds learnt to count by withing mickey mouse club house,spanish words from watching Dora etc.

i guess  im saying dont beat yourself up over it.we all strive to be the 'perfect' parent with lots of 'shouldnts' in the back of our minds.As long as its not excessive its no big deal!! (she says as she turns the t.v off!!!!) lol!

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2010, 11:47:27 am »
You're right Lucy.  I think also if you are having conversations with them about what they can see/hear etc then that's gotta be good - at least then there's some interaction ???

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2010, 11:56:47 am »
Oscar is another one who is transfixed by it.

We use it as a reward for good behavoiur at teatime and bathtime....he gets his fave cartoons - Roary the Racing Car and Chuggington from 6.30 to 7pm and then its telly off.

In the mornings, UGH, thats another story! In order to keep him quiet so that Emma and DH can sleep,and I can get ready for work, well...I stick the headphones on him and he watches playhouse disney - handy manny and oso special - from 6.20 till we leave at 7am, as he chugs down a bowl of cheerios and a handful of raisins!!! this has become our routine even at the weekends so we all get some zzzzs and escape Ozzie's EWs!

S x

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Re: How much TV?
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2010, 12:05:45 pm »
It is hard to say what is best.  Tvs and computers are so prevalent now.  

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend any tv watching until the age of two, here in the states.  In the book "The Minds of Boys", it gives the stat that for every hr of tv watched (on a daily basis; so like an hr a day, two hrs, three hrs), the risk of adhd goes up by 10% for every hr.  It states that the fast pace of the tv screen does not allow for the brain to develop certain areas.   :o

I think you can probably find some books or google, then make your decision as an educated parent.   The net is not always the best for solid research info.  "The Minds of Boys" is a great read regarding how boys learn.     

I used signing time videos with H (20-30 min a day), because they helped so much with his signing.  I think if you are selective and not overboard you are fine.