Hi there
Okay first up you may find it useful to have a look at the sample routines for your age group here
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=164029.0At this age the average awake time is 2 - 2.5 hours. Naps consist of two naps (and sometimes a cat nap in teh afternoon) around 1.5 hr to 2 hr with a total of day naps of 3-4 hrs. Night sleeps are between 11-12 hours. Generally you want to aim for a 12 hour day that means if LO wakes up at 6.30am then he needs to go to sleep for the night at 6.30pm. Some LOs sleep through the night, some still need to feed at night once or twice. Every baby is different and these are just guidelines so don't worry if your LO is somewhere in between.
It seems that the 5.30am wake up is more like a night waking. So, I would BF and put him back to bed quickly as if it were a night waking then start the day properly when he wakes again at 6.45-7am. Then start aiming for A times of 2 hrs. But start slowly. If stretching A time then do it over a few days, stretch the A time by 10-15 mins at a time. if you do it all in a rush you may get an over tired baby. So go slow so he has time to adjust. You may need to experiment with how much A time your LO needs...it maybe 1.5hrs, it maybe 1 hr 45min, it maybe 2 hrs or a bit more...it also seems as if the day might be a little bit too long, so perhaps start aiming to get him to bed a little bit earlier. You can give him the BF when he wakes up if he will take it or you can wait until he is hungry. You cannot force them to eat so...when he eats at 5am he may not be hungry at 7am but he might be so try. My ds eats at 5am and is hungry again at 7.30 - 8am...after a long night some of them are very hungry in the mornings. So i feed him and take it from there.
At the moment the morning A time may be a little long which means he could be getting over tired at the start of the day and then that effects the rest of the day.
Don't worry too much about the solids. At this age they are still getting all their liquid and nutrition from milk - its their main food still. So keep giving the same milk feeds. He is still learning about food so you don't need to push him to eat, make it something fun and if he doesn't want it then just leave it - you want to make a good and happy relationship with food so if he gets fussy do something else.
The BW way is not about keeping a schedule of times but its about keeping a routine which follows the needs adn signs of your baby. Don't worry too much about the clock...the times maybe different everyday by 30 mins or more, that's normal the key is to keep things in the same order every day so he gets used to the routine.
It can be very confusing, so don't worry, just keep asking questions and keep watching the signs your baby is giving you. Every day you will become more confident and will understand more. We are here to help, so keep asking! xxx