Author Topic: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...  (Read 4445 times)

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Offline *Becky*

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swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« on: May 22, 2010, 19:41:32 pm »
I have been thinking this over for a couple of weeks and still not coming to an answer.
Henry has been having swimming lessons on and off since he was 6 months (18.5 months now). He has always loved the water and was so confident and happy whenever he went.
About 6 weeks ago he had a new teacher. For a couple of weeks it was all fine and now he hates it!  ???
It does not seem to be the water but more the teacher. As soon as he is in he is saying 'out' to me and if the teacher tries to come anywhere near he cries and clings to me. He has never been a clingy baby and so it is all new to me. She is quite a forceful lady and I think it has stemmed from one time when they were doing swimming on their back so basically we support them and they just float. He has never liked it and she took him to try and encourage him to have a go. I think she probably did keep him on his back for too long  - this is the only thing I can think of.
It is kind of awkward now as he is not enjoying the lessons so of course I don't. I don't want to push him to do something he does not want to do but it is such a shame as he used to love it. We went to a different class today with a different teacher and he was fine when he got in but again was saying 'out' and 'no no bye bye' when the teacher was anywhere near him.
Do I stop for a bit? Take him just by myself? Just carry on and hope he starts to feel better about it?
Becky x

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Offline *Becky*

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 19:43:47 pm »
also - the teacher is v experienced and v well thought of. She told me that I need to carry on with the lessons otherwise he will get a water phobia (!)
So do I just carry on?

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Offline anna*

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 20:04:55 pm »
Well that's just silly of course you don't need to have swimming lessons in order not to develop a water phobia! We stopped swimming lessons with Stan when he was 15 months (just because it was the end of the course) and since then have taken him to the pool ourselves every week. We splash about and have a great time, he is still SO confident in the water and has no problem going under, jumping in, diving off the side, lying on his back, kicking. We don't try to follow any structure except we do 15 mins with no arm bands at the beginning, then 15-20 mins with armbands, and another 5-10 with no armbands at the end. Practising things like climbing out of the pool unaided etc. I think we'll look for another class around the time he's 3ish.

It sounds like you've given it a fair try, and if he's not enjoying it then why persevere?

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2010, 20:46:36 pm »
I agree with anna.  Why would he develop a water phobia?  That's just stupid.

I would take him by yourself and see how that goes.  If you both enjoy it, then by all means continue and just skip the class for awhile.

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 21:00:21 pm »
Personally I would continue in some fashion.  When I started lessons with Ryan he was about 2.5, he hated it and I was in there with him!! I continued though with words of encouragement and distraction (I didn't let him get super stressed out I hasten to add!). When he turned 3 he was in a class where I had to watch from the side and he was better than he had ever been, absolutely loved it!  Perhaps wait until he is a little older then go back to lessons but continue taking him yourself just to a pool, I think swimming is a vital life skill. 

Offline anna*

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2010, 21:04:07 pm »
I do agree to definitely continue swimming...

Offline *Becky*

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2010, 06:13:31 am »
thanks ladies :)
That really helps. I thought what she said was weird and I guess I have been a little uneasy about the new class. There is such an emphasis on going under the water and while I know it is good for safety reasons that they can be water confident, I don't necessarily think he needs to be pushed all the time to do it.
Will stop and go by myself....
I find it quite hard when I go alone as we seem to just paddle about - maybe it is a good time to try arm bands....

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Offline babybarr

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2010, 18:24:05 pm »
Hi Becky, I agree with everyone else, would Daddy take him - he may be a bit more adventurous - yk being a big kid and all!!  Also he (probably ;) ) has longer and stronger arms and it may be easier for him?  Just a thought.

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2010, 18:43:33 pm »
i agree totally with pp's.  Your DS just has a phobia of the teacher not of swimming, at least not yet.. if she keeps pushing he *might* associate swimming with bleghhhh, kwim?  Don't keep going to the lessons because of what the teacher said.  At this age, activities should be all about fun :D  for you, too hugssss

Offline katie80

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2010, 02:48:15 am »
Well that's just silly of course you don't need to have swimming lessons in order not to develop a water phobia!

Ditto!  I was a swimming instructor for several years during college and swimming lessons or not, the kids that had the most exposure to the water always did the best.  The ones with water phobia are the ones that haven't been around it and don't have any favorable experiences in it.  I agree to stop and go with him yourself and as a family, especially if you feel a little uneasy with the class.  There is always time for more lessons in the future. 

That instructor may be experienced and well thought of, but it doesn't mean she's right for everyone.  There is a time to push kids a little bit, but not to the point where they're uncomfortable.  If going under the water becomes too big a deal and LOs feel forced to do it, just like anything else, they'll do everything they can not to do it.  If you have fun and play around, they'll have no problem going under when they're ready. 

I'll get off my soap box now (I'm a bit passionate about this subject).  Swimming is a vital life skill in my book too, but still meant to be fun!

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2010, 03:08:58 am »
I agree with PP, drop the class. If you push him too hard before he's ready, he may well develop a water phobia from THAT! Just go and swim and have fun yourselves, maybe try another class with a different teacher in a couple months time. :)

Offline Mashi

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2010, 07:10:32 am »
I also agree to take him out of the class. However, as much as I think swimming is a vital life skill I don't think it is one that needs to be pushed on a child before they are even 2 years old!  Playing around and having a splash in the water should be about FUN at this age and not about teaching to swim.

Offline anna*

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2010, 07:49:32 am »
I think at this age, swimming IS splashing about in the water and being confident in the water! There are some good things they can learn too like how to climb out at the side unaided (so they would at least have a small chance if god forbid they fell in).

Offline nwmm

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2010, 21:11:08 pm »
Apologize for not being able to read all of the replies.  I am having computer problems.

Your DS age is the age both my kids suddenly became afraid of taking a shower or bath.

Just wanted to add that!

Offline *Becky*

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Re: swimming lessons - don't know what to do...
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2010, 13:15:30 pm »
Thanks so much for all your input. Just wanted to say that DH and I took him twice this last week and he totally loved it :) :) :)

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