Author Topic: New to EASY  (Read 679 times)

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Offline mamatolevi

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New to EASY
« on: May 22, 2010, 20:43:17 pm »
Hi all! I just started EASY yesterday, and I can't believe how well it is going already! My LO is 7 weeks and he napped every 1.5 hrs on the dot, and slept for 2hrs every time. I'm shocked that I misread his tired cues for so long. I was always trying to force him to stay awake for 2 hrs. Today has been the exact same. As soon as he starts to look tired/close his eyes, I swaddle him and put him in his crib. Here is where my questions/concerns begin.
First of all, with all of the extra sleeping, he is missing out on at least one bottle (EBM) per 24 hr period. Should I just make his bottles bigger, or should I wake him for a DF?
My second question feels a little bit selfish, but here goes....when do I have a life? I have to be at home for his naps because he will wake up if I'm transferring him to and from his carseat. I feel like I'm a tied to the house! Before EASY, my baby was a bit crankier, but he slept wherever, whenever. I know that he is my main priority right now, but I have a 13YO dss and 9YO dsd. My husband is at work, and the older kids have sports, school functions, etc that I need to attend. I like to visit my mum a few times a week also. My LO will fall asleep while we're out, which is OK but it's never consistent. Will having him sleep in his carseat or at my mum's confuse him? Will it mess up his EASY schedule too much? Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Re: New to EASY
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 04:17:40 am »
Hi glad things are going well!!
I'm sure you will get plenty of advice but here I go:
1. I would ask, is he sleeping through the night (STTN) or are you having a lot of Night Wakings (NW)?  If STTN, then add more through the day, but if NW, DF-but you don't wake him, you do it while he stays asleep.

2. I would plan my outings around the naps.  When DS was little, I would get him ready for his nap into the carseat and off I would go.  As he got older, you plan outings around awake time.  As for going to older kids events, it will not kill you to do naps out etc... as long as you honor your LO and let them nap at home the next day or catch up at some point.  When you go visit your mom, could you set up a place that is quiet like home for naps etc..?

Good luck! I'm sure you will get many more responses :)

Offline Chicane

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Re: New to EASY
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2010, 10:20:23 am »
Hey there

Mommy Mertel has given you some ACE advice....totally agree.

If you think he is hungry from missing that feed you could cluster feed towards the end of the day...

I would just add about the having a life thing. You sound like you've got a lovely little angel or textbook baby who is taking well to these changes. So that is a great place to start from. IMO I would give him a week or so to get used to his new routine then resume your life but try to make sure he gets at least one or two good naps a day. Its hard being the second or third child, you have other people you need to care for too...he's not going to come to any harm if he has the occasional sleep in the car or pram, yep he may get cranky but if you are able to plan a quiet day the following day so he can catch up and/or do an early bed time...that would help. Some people just stay home, but thats just crazy. I feel as long as your LO can get to sleep independently and is getting good sleeps regularly and is happy and healthy then just roll with it. Personally, I let myself have a life and just prepare myself mentally to deal with the cranky consequences in a loving and respectful way and play catch up as soon as I can. You're doing AMAZING!