Will he eat a risotto do you think? I have an AWESOME sausage risotto recipe (have shared it on the meal planning thread and lots of other BWs have cooked it and it's been a hit!) There is parmasean cheese in it but you add it at the end, and so can take out a portion or two for Dylan and then add the cheese in for the rest of the family?
1 zucchini, chopped
1 onion, chopped
8 ounces of sausage, with skins off*
1-2 cloves of minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon oregano
3.5 cups of stock (I use beef but chicken or vegetable would be fine as well, whatever kind he can have really)
1.5 cups risotto rice
salt and pepper to taste
1 tomato, chopped
1/4 cup parmasean, grated
1 handful of fresh parsley, chopped
* note about the sausages: 8oz is about 3 or 4 large sausages. use the best quality ones you can get, pref pork. if you can get good flavoured ones (ie/ with herbs) then they are loads better as they add lots of extra flavour, but do not use pork and apple!
remove skin from sausage and fry lightly in oil about 3 min, breaking up as you go. add zucchini, onion, garlic, oregano, s&p and cook about 5 min until veg is soft. add rice and stir to coat in oil. at this point i transfer to a large pot as imy frying pan is too small but you can continue in a skillet if it is very large and has a lid.
add 3 cups of the stock and bring to a boil. turn down to simmer on med-low for 15 minutes, covered, stirring once or twice. add the remaining stock and cook on med until stock is absorbed and it is creamy, about 5-7 minutes. remove from heat, stir in parsley, tomato and parmasean until mixed through.