so I'm not sure this answers all of our issues, but I wanted to throw this out there and see what others' experience has been. I found out about this by a post somewhere else on the internet, someone had cut out soy & milk, and her LO still had mucousy poops so she saw a specialist at Stanford (after no help with a pedi GI) and he recommended Culturelle, since they have a probiotic that is dairy free. I chatted with her a bit and tried my son on it; it actually helped out his reflux quite a bit, but didn't solve all our problems. Well, DS also turned out to have a problem with wheat, (as well as egg & peanut butter) so that coupled with the Culturelle really helped things out for us. I've also started taking pancreatic enzymes since DS started reacting to something again, and we thought it might help if my food is broken down better. (here's a link to an article, I received it from my lactation consultant when discussing my diet with her )
But the reason I'm bringing this up is first off, to let people know who might not have heard of Culturelle to see if your doctor is ok with you using it. It is safe & recommended for infants right on the box. The other reason is, I'm wondering if anyone else with MSPI issues was on antibiotics in labor or while breastfeeding in the early weeks, and/or if their LO was on antibiotics? I was on antibiotics in labor with DS1 who was intolerant to Milk & egg proteins til he was 1.5 years old. With DS2, things were even more medicated as he was born at 34 weeks, and I was on antibiotics while on hospital bedrest before he was born, and he received his very own course of them while in the NICU. I just wonder if all this affects the gut, and then they end up developing issues with milk/soy proteins. Pure speculation, but I'm curious what your experience has been.