Not sure what age range this would fit, really - DS is 22 months and I suspect maybe a couple of months ago he would have enjoyed this as well but not toooo much younger or it would have been disaster (ie/ at 18 months)....and prob up to 3-4 years old would enjoy...
I put down a large white sheet (spare double bed duvet cover) on the living room floor and dumped the following on top --
- half a bag of risotto rice
- half a bag of long grain rice
- bag of tiny ABC pasta
- bag of sesame seeds
And gave him various tiny pots and plastic cups, miniature spoons, measuring spoons and cups, a small plastic funnel, a couple of random things like an empty tic tac box, etc. A few of his toy cars added into the mix and presto -- 2 hours, yes 2 HOURS of not a sound. Just playing. Nicely.

When finished I had him help me scoop the mixture up into a large ziploc baggie and tucked it away for the next time - which has now been 3 days in a row (raining here) and each time gets a good hour + of play. The mixture does not get ground into the carpet like sand would and a very quick run with the vacuum and any strays are gone.