I read The Baby Whisperer when I was pregnant and was very impressed with the ideas. However have been finding the reality a bit harder!! DD is now 3 weeks, and she's got a 3 year old sister who needs to be kept in the picture too. I've been reading this site for about a week now and have bought Tracy's second book for more hints.
Two issues have been bothering me:
1. For the first couple of weeks Annabel was very sleepy, so most of the time we managed to put her down and she'd settle quite easily - maybe pick her up once or twice. The exception was evenings if she'd been awake for a bit longer, or if she'd got overstimulated, when she was completely impossible - so I ended up feeding her to sleep a few times. In these cases, if I ever got her calm enough to go in the cot, she would (either immediately or up to 20 mins later) open her eyes and start screaming, and we would have to start again, over and over again.
In the second book, she explains "pat and shh" in a bit more detail. In the last few days, I've been doing that with some success and have often managed to get her to sleep in her cot even when she was quite fussy. The downside is that she seems to be needing it every time she goes to sleep now, which means I'm up a lot longer at night and away from her sister longer in the day. I wonder if Pat and shh has become a prop in itself, or whether this is just a symptom of DD getting a bit older and more awake?
My main question now is how long I can expect to be doing the pat and shh routine, and how you go about phasing it out? I know it's early days - but with an older sibling, it's very tempting to wonder if we'll be able to do it all quicker sometime!!
2. Often she'll sleep for 3 hours in the daytime, going 4 hours between feeds. At night she tends to do this too, although it can be shorter or even longer. Yesterday, she was suddenly much hungrier towards evening and had a very frustrating time on empty breasts between about 8 pm and 12 am. I wonder if I should actively be waking her up earlier in the day, to see if she'll feed more in the daytime. I haven't found anything about shortening routines in the books yet - everything seems to be about how to make them longer!
Thank you very much for reading!