Author Topic: over feeding??  (Read 2205 times)

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Re: over feeding??
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2010, 11:09:09 am »
Just wanted to say my little ladyis doing simar feeding marathons as well. Annoying isn't it?


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Re: over feeding??
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2010, 21:43:55 pm »
so glad to hear I'm not crazy!  Of course I also realized I may not have been burping her correctly.  She def eats but you can tell she is trying to sooth herself.... poor thing gets so full that she can't take anymore in and then off the nipple she starts to cry.  When I give her a paci she will suck it a few times and then spit it out... I think we need a different paci as this one doesn't seem like the kind that stays in a babes mouth...  I have to give myself about 20min between feeds as my nipples hurt and I have to eat!  So it usually goes: 15min on R side, 10min on L side, 20min off, 5min on R side, 5min on L side, 20min off, 5min on R side, 5min on L side, 20min off.... not perfectly but that's about the amount she'll stay on the breast after her initial feeding....

I just hope I can get her needs met... we were at the doc today and found out she had gained a lb in just a week!  so the doc isn't worried about her not getting enough... So she can't be that hungry.... le sigh.... motherhood :)