Author Topic: Whining nearly all the time - Is he talking or bored &needs a change of scene?  (Read 2033 times)

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Offline belledal

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Hello all!

Got a (just turned) 5 month old, we are following EASY, its the A part I need help with.

We have a bit of a routine when he gets up, every time, first diaper, then crib (he currently sleeps in bassinet - almost too big for it now!) with toys so mum can have a pee. Then into exersaucer for fun time, mummy checks emails, then downstairs, if bottle time, then do it on lazyboy chair, if not, then onto mat for tummy time, then back time, then into swingy chair, another exersaucer (different), jolly jumper, vibrating chair, etc, etc and repeat after nap.

Issue right now is almost constant nasal whining. He sometimes does it and it is immediately followed by a happy cry. Sometimes he does it and he is clearly frowning - for those, I pickup/change scene/change activity. And sometimes he does it and you get the "waa-waa"s with it, so that means either sleep or feed...

I guess my question is, is he vocalizing or is he truly grumpy/upset? He obviously knows I'll come see him if he makes the noise, sometimes I'll peek at him (if I'm out of the room and he makes the noise) and if he's frowning, I react, if not, I let him be.

After about 1.5 to 2 hours, the same whining is used for when he's tired so it gets confusing what to do and when. I know every baby is different, but anyone have a similar issue? how do you cope? it gets frustrating when he can only be in a position for under a minute and I'm constantly having to remove him from that situation and try something else, its like musical chairs with toys!

I'm trying not to use the soother as a prop in between, but its difficult not to because if he has it in, he can stay quiet and play for at least 5 to 10 minutes in something either with or without me. otherwise, I'm always right there interacting and as you all know, we mums try to squeeze things in during the day (eat, pee, dishes, laundry). FYI - I TRY to only use soother during sleep/nap time (he spits it out when he falls asleep anyway).

Any comments/advice is appreciated.


Offline RachelC

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Can you outline your day in this form:
E 7am
S 9-11
E 11

Sounds like a lot of activity for a 5 month old and he could very well be over stimulated.

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline belledal

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Here is his EASY, although its not really spelt like that for him except the first time in the AM and end of day! haha....the problem is, he only sleeps 45 mins, doesn't QUITE fit into EASY mould..... Days look roughly like this with great long stretches of awake time - up to 2 hours straight sometimes!

The whinyness is not so much irritating, just I'm not sure exactly what he wants. it sounds EXACTLY like his tired whine, but it happens sometimes right after he wakes? should I be putting him to bed more often? it would certainly mean many fights to get him down!

E 7am -730
A 730 - 9
S 9-945

A 945-11
E 11 - 1130
A 1130-1145
S 1145 to 1230

A 1230 to 230
E 230 to 3
S 3 - 345

A 345 - 545 (sometimes up to 2 hours - yikes!)
S 545-630

E 630-7
A 7-8 or 830 (bath)
S 830- 7 am

Any help is appreciated!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 03:35:04 am by belledal »

Offline MeAndVee

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I will leave the sleep aspect to the professionals as I could never get my DS to sleep without a whole song and dance routine!

If he is just making a whinning noise at this age I wouldn't consider it whinning in the sense with a toddler say.  If he is bored and saying hey ma move me please than go for it.  He is still just a little guy.  They have no attention span...or very little atleast.  As he gets older you can try saying things like one moment please or something like that.  And extend your reaction time. 

But it does seem like he has a long A time...maybe I am not remembering clearly as my baby is nearly 3 years old.  Some one with better know how will be in I am sure to better help.  What I do remember about the first year of DS life is so many on here solved my baby issues!  You are in good hands.
Catherine - Sri - Vee


Offline RachelC

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2 hours is about the right A time for his age

Problem is, if he is only getting a 45 minute nap, then another 2 hour A time is long.

Perhaps you should start a post on the naps board to get some advice on extending those naps (sleep is not my forte ;) )

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline belledal

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OKAY -maybe I figured it out. Took a look at his mouth today and WOW, there's two teeth sprouting in bottom gum line - EXPLAINS A LOT with the whining thing! Thanks all for advice, will hit nap section to discuss long A time. Chris