hi everyone, i warn you this is going to be a long post........
my DS is 17 weeks old and a touchy angel. he is very quiet and placid and his touchy side comes to the surface re eating and sleeping. eg he wont eat if he is the slightest bit tired , nor will he eat just for the sake of sucking on a bottle. he will either take a full feed or completely refuse the bottle. he also wont eat if we have just come home from being in the car etc. he also has a touch of reflux so we have major spit ups. as for sleeping, if i am two mins late getting him down its a real battle and he needs a lot of intervention. as he is so placid and quiet sleep signs are non exsistent. no yawns, no crying no eye rubbing nothing. he might grizzle a bit, but its the same grizzle if he is fed up from being on the playmat etc. so i have to watch the clock.
anyway, seb is ready to go on to a 4hr easy re his feeds, but no way is he ready to go two hours in terms of A time. i also have a problem with naps as he has a very strong moro reflux . he jolts really badly, has since 7 wks even though fully swaddled ( coming out of swaddle now also affecting sleep in a big way ) and i have to go in at 35 min mark and HTTJ and nearly always results in a round of PUPD. only three times in the last two weeks has he managed to transition to second sleep cycle with no jolts and no help from me. i also have a very spirited toddler in the house.
anyways, EASY is all over the place, and i would love some advice or just some words of encouragement.
i am trying to go first to 3.5 hr EASY extending morning A time first and keeping rest of naps at 1.5 hrs A, but not really working.
here is a typical day at the mo.
Wake at 6.15am
E 06.45( 220 ml he never ever feeds straight on waking flat out refuses bottle even gone right through without a feed. i dont do DF)
S 08.00 -09.30 1.5 hrs (woke at 30mins went in and PU 3 x sh pat back down)
E 10.30 (100ml even though 4hrs between feed didnt want more and didnt want to eat before)
At this point he was up for an hour before he would take a feed and he cant make it more than 1.5hrs A time so by half way through feed he is tired.
S11.00 - 12.45 1.75 hrs (took me forever to get him down PUPD way OT woke at 30 min mark pupd again )
E13.50 220 ml
same as before E is now at the tail end of the cycle instead of at the beginning.
S14.30 -16.00 he was in the cot for 1.5hrs but woke after 30 mins OT had to go in and do PUPD
E17.10 220ml
Bathtime at 18.00
top up of 90 ml before bedtime and asleep by 18.30
this is a good day ha ha. sometimes the naps are only forty mins long and i have to try and put him down again twice in the same cycle to get to 3.5 hrs between feeds. sometimes his feed and his nap end up being due at the same time. If i try and feed earlier in order to get him down for a nap not OT, DS flat out refuses to eat earlier and sometimes refuses a feed in a cycle!
i know that i have rambled and i hope that it all kind of makes sense. i am so sick of doing pupd and HTTJ at nap times (been doing it since he was 7 wks old) any idea when the moro reflex says bye bye? my oldest son is spirited text book and even though he was a handful awake he was a dream on routine and naps etc. little DS is just so touchy that the slightest thing throws him off, and i am really floundering. any ideas would be welcome
thanks again for all those that took the time to wade their way through this post.