Hi everyone,
My DS1 is 2y10m old. When I was BF him he had explosive green frothy poo, and when I eliminated lactose from my diet he improved no end. He is on lactose-free cow's milk now, and the couple of times he's had normal milk he's come out with nappy rash and vomiting.
He's toilet trained during the day but still wears nappies for nap and night time. This is also when he does a poo. Sometimes his bottom is fine and doesn't seem to react to the poo sitting there (DH changes him before we go to bed if he's done it by then but sometimes he hasn't). Sometimes though his bottom becomes very red and raw in a very short space of time. He napped for two hours today and when I put him into bed, his bottom was fine. When he got up and I changed his dirty nappy, it was red raw and inflamed.
I guess I'm after suggestions as to what may be causing this other than lactose. We toilet trained him at 2y4m as he had been on three courses of antibiotics to clear up a continuous case of nappy rash...resulting in him screaming in pain when we cleaned his bottom. We haven't introduced any new foods recently, but he's a good eater and eats a well rounded diet. He does eat yoghurt and cheese in small quantities as the processing of these supposedly changes the lactose structure. He doesn't *seem* to have a problem with these (ie no immediate rash).
Any ideas as to what foods I should look at eliminating?
Thanks in advance!