Not sure if this should be here or in health, sorry.
We've always had a few issues with Darcy and her insides, wind, constipation, diarrhea etc. But today it is 10am and we've already changed her nappy three times since 7.30. My DH did the first but I did the second two and they were runny and mucousy and had blood in them, pink rather than red.
But last night she actually took some milk from a bottle, it is a lactose free formula as when we've tried her with normal formula she cried and cried and seemed to have gripe like pains. If it hadn't been for that I'd be taking her to the dr's. Although she has had one other episode of blood in her poo but I couldn't put it down to anything in particular and it cleared up, the dr wasn't too worried about it.
She has no fever but last night she came out in big spots, I was a bit worried they were chicken pox but thankfully they weren't. She had a bit of a rash too but it calmed down when she cooled down so I thought it was just heat, could it be linked. It came out before she had the bottle but she had had some formula before, only about 1oz.
I'm just not sure what to do, she seems happy in herself now although she wasn't her normal self last night before the bottle. Do I just wait and see what the next nappy brings? Try her with more formula and see what that does? Try another formula? I need to find something she will/can have as I might have to stop BF. She's had yogurt, milk on cereal etc since she was weaned at 6 months and has been fine with it. So I don't know if this is an allergy or what, it just seems odd that it has come right after having the formula