My LO is 4 mo and a spirited baby. About a month ago, he was great at self-settling and would have about 4-5 (short) naps per day. I left this as he sleeps 13 hours per night and seemed happy enough through the day.
A few weeks ago, he started crying before each nap and was getting more and more difficult to put down to sleep. So, following advice on these forums, I upped his A time to 1hr40 and he started napping for 1.5hrs! However, the past week, he has seemed to regress. 1hr40 no longer seems to work and he has started taking 30 min naps. I thought he might be UT, so have tried playing about with A times- from 1hr40 to 2hr10 and still- 30 min naps and a battle to get him down to sleep. After the first short nap, the day seems to go downhill from there. He does have the odd 1.5hr through the day, but this doesn't seem to follow any pattern.
Please help! Very unhappy baby and mummy.