DS has been extra picky lately at both breakfast and dinner. Part of it is that he's always been less hungry for breakfast, which is fine, but he does seem to need something to take the edge off the hunger and crankiness. He usually has 4-5 ounces milk in the morning and breakfast 1 or 1.5 hours later. If it were up to him, he'd have nothing but fruit (his favorites being blueberries and strawberries, followed by cantaloupe and grapes). He used to let me feed him oatmeal or wheatabix or muesli while he was feeding himself fruit but not lately. He doesn't like pancakes or bread or toast. Sometimes he likes egg/omelets but usually does better with those at lunch.
Ideas for things he can have in the morning based on this? Preferably things he can self feed easily (with only two teeth so far)? TIA!