Started whole milk yesterday (he was a year on Saturday). For months now he's already been eating regular yogurt no problem, as well as cheese in things. And his formula has been milk-based since birth. With the milk, we are switching one bottle at a time (he currently has three bottles a day), starting with the morning bottle - so we did that with whole milk yesterday and today. Both days he pooped a bit more frequently (but not diarrhea), the poop (sorry TMI) is a little firmer and greener and stinkier and makes his tush rather red (though it does go away and doesn't seem to hurt him). He has also been pretty clingy but that seems a teething thing and has been going on longer than just the past two days.
Should we be concerned about the milk and red tush? Just an adjustment thing maybe? Anything we can/should do? Restart probiotics for a few weeks perhaps? TIA!