Author Topic: 5 week old help with a routine pleaseeeee im goign insane with no sleep!!  (Read 1058 times)

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Offline lozzyb123

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hi every1 i was just wondering what a sample routine would be for a baby age 5 weeks she is bottle fed an she ususaly eats every 2 -3 hrs and she drink 3- 4 oz each time she has reflllux aswell but i cnt seem to get her to nap for more that 20 - 45mins at a time. i tryed to start a routine and i cnt as i wake her at 7am she eats 4 oz then she startes to act tired around 8.15 so i put her down for nap she then wakes at 10- 10.10 am and wants to eat is she generaly hungry of do u think its due to reflux ?

she dosent sellp unless she isbeing held and the moment you lay her dpwn she wakes up also between 3 -5 am when she wakes to eat she is really restless she fusses and cry all the time ..

any support please
laura x

Offline *Liz*

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Here are the sample routines

But TBH there is very little for a 5 week old for a reason - it IS very hard to get a consistent routine at such a young age. Things start to get a little easier after the 6 week GS, and even more predictable by 12 weeks.

Still start to establish a routine - but please expect it to take some time to get there  :).

It might be the reflux affecting the naps or it might be that you put her down too late. 1hr might work better. But with the feeds we would recommend 3hrly anyway at this age so a feed at 10am after 7am is just fine  :). A 4hrly routine is for a LO over 16 weeks.

How many night feeds do you have ATM?

What are you doing about the reflux?

Offline lozzyb123

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night feed vary lets say today for exampl and yesterday she had a bottle at 7pm and went to sleep with a struggle at 7.45 but she isjust woke now at 8.10pm nut last night she woke at 10pm then 1 am the 3am then 5 am and kept fussing after that untill 7am  when my toddler woke xx

Offline *Liz*

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Right OK then.

Tomorrow post your whole day including feeds and naps in EAS form and we can see better what the issue is.

Also how are you getting your LO to sleep? Any prop at play?

Offline lozzyb123

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When i put her down i give her a dummy but she spits that out in seconds. im so tired its unreal and when i feed and wind her at night the moment i put her down she screams then it take me ages like 1hr to hold her the do it agen. the only way she wil sleep is on her tummy also. and when she finaly asleep she wakes up after 2hrs 4 a feed she is on ranitiden ame nutramigen.4 the reflux

Offline alohahellokitty

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Yes it does sound like refulx. My lo#1 had it. And the Dr had me put her on her tummy at 6 weeks as this was the ONLY way she would sleep (other than being  held to sleep or in her swing). She was also on meds and we had to eventually switch from bfing to nutramigen. It was so expensive. :(

I would elevate the head of her crib for sure. My LO ate VERY frequently to soothe her throat. The Dr said this was normal in refulxing babies. They like to drink a little very often to soothe the burning. It is hard and I remember those VERY sleep deprived days. Do you have anyone who can help you a little? So you can get some rest and deal better?

I agree 5 weeks is VERY young to start EASY with a set routine. ESPECIALLY if she's refulxing! Sometimes you just have to go with the flow with these babies until they get the reflux under control. I just allowed my DD to sleep in her swing until I got the go-ahead from her dr to put her on her tummy. Then I weaned the swing. TBH with these LO's you just have to do what it takes for a bit to soothe them. Then worry about sleep training and weaning props when they are more well.

Get some one to help you if possible. And take care of your self!! I remember those days when I didn't get a shower or change out of my sleep clothes. I remember like it was yesterday!!
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel

Offline alohahellokitty

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Oh I forgot my lo only took 30 minuet cat naps until the reflux was better under control. That's very normal. :(
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel

Offline gemma2313

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hi, my ds2 is 6wks and he's also just started on ranitiden due to reflux (day 4). Your "routine" sounds pretty similar to ours. we feed 7/10/1/4/6.30/10 - and then usually nw @ 2 & 5.. am really hoping that nw @2 starts to push back once he settles into meds.....

 I'm finding that although the meds are making a big difference with spewing (phew!) he is still very restless about an hour or so before they're due (I give between 6.30/7am and 6.30/7pm)... so usually that nw @ 5am is due to reflux i think.. in the evening he can also be a little hard to settle but i'm thinking my ds2 is finding bathing with his big bro a little overstimulating!!

I put him on his tummy too (even though I feel bad doing it!!) and elevate mattress.. we also have one nap a day on the move (in pram etc) so me and ds1 get some sanity and exercise, it actually helps to exercise when you are feeling exhausted!! gives you a bit more ummph.

hang in there laura, i'm sure you're doing a good job! xx
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Offline lozzyb123

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awww thankyou ladies toay has been teribble lil girl woke at every hr lats night till 4 am when she wouldnt dettle back to sleep and from 4 am till 1.30pm she was crying constantly apart from when i was feeding her at 4am,7am,9.30the 12.30 she had a 10 min nap in the car at 10.30 she was fussing and crying i was so tired so i rand the doctors and i have an apponient tomorow they are goign to try uping her ranitiden as she now weighs 10lb thi afternoo hasnt been to bad but i was goign to ask she had a 4 oz bottle at 7.15pm she then was swaddled and wen to sleep but she woke 15 mins later and i ahd to lay her on her tummy she has been asleep since should i still wake her at 10 for df or leav her to wake herself?

laura x

Offline alohahellokitty

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Well I would NOT wake her for the df. Df is to be given while they are sleeping still. You just lift out of the crib and sit down and while they are still asleep put the bottle in their mouth and they start sucking. Sometimes you have to try a few times before you get them to take it. I usually put it to their lips and rub and they open right up. Then if they don't start sucking I pull in back and forth until they start. Then I lay them back down (mine are tummy sleepers). Even if their eyes flutter open a bit they go right back down.

Good luck!! With a refluxing baby unless the dr orders otherwise I would NOT wake at night b/c they REALLY need that restorative sleep. they get so very little of it. :(
Mommy to:
Anna-Li Charity 6/5/2008 Touchy/Spirited
Jace Michael 1/15/1010 Textbook/Angel

Offline gemma2313

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my thoughts are with you xx for such a rough night!! Our days always seem better than nights too.. i think its cause ds2 is so exhausted from the night before.. and of course i can't sleep much during the day cause i have a 20mo ds1 running around!! my mantra,..its not for long, its not for long... they grow quick...

I'm also finding that we might need to increase the meds as they jusy don't seem to stopping his pain...they are helping a lot though.

if it helps you any Losec (omeprazole) is the next step up if ranitidine isnt working for you... I'm not sure if its a liquid though... but i believe it blocks the acid production in the stomach more completely than ranitidine.

try and get yourself some sleep when you can! now to take my own advice... :o)
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