thanks again, liz !
our nights are still on the shorter side lately...about 10-10.5hrs...been doing 3.15 for the first A and its dwindled down to 36 mins, so, i wasnt sure if that was b/c he wasnt getting as much sleep at night or if it was time to, tomorrow morning, i am going to bump his first A to at least 3.25 and see where that takes us!
so- i totally understand that 3 naps are inappropriate for his age right now, but what if both naps are short? do i just continue on with our day and have him make it to bedtime? bedtime is around 630-7. tonight, he got up from his last short nap at 220 and made it to a bedtime of 630, no problem. i have no idea where that will take us tonight, but he was happy. yesterday, he had 3 short naps, the last one ending at 440 and his night was wonky for sure...up after an hour with sleep cries, and then again at 2...up at 5 to eat and then finally up at 645 for the day. i was thinking that the 3rd later nap might have thrown a wrench into things, do you agree? so, essentially, if he short naps 2x in a day, you pick the lesser of 2 evils and just go with it rather than try for a 3rd?