Same here

. Or they are the ones which have 'flaps' sellotaped back on because enthusiastic little hands!
am happy to let him touch gently but he starts getting fussy when there is resistance to get it to his mouth to the point that its becoming an unpleasant experience for him. I don't want to read to him and have him cry the whole way through and have it end up being something he resists in the future, but I also want to train him to respect our books and right now, he just doesn't get it!! (Fair enough at 4mo!)
There are lots of things that lo's do to explore their world - and it changes as they grow - at this age it is ALL about putting things in their mouth!! Then it will soon move onto to wanting to grab and throw everything, putting things in water (that shouldn't be in there

, getting things out of cupboards, opening packages etc etc.....all things that we might not always want them to do but that they are doing because they are learning! And we all want our kids to learn, right?! So the trick is to find ways to let them do some of the things they need to do, but in a way that doesn't trash the house - by creating realistic and sensible rules. That might be giving him some books that you don't mind him chewing, or just accepting that it is fine for him to chew the ones he has got. You are a LONG way off him being a toddler who needs to know that it's not ok to rip/chew/tear books so I don't think you are giving him mixed messages if you let him chew on his books now
