Hi there - have got a few days of posting to do as I've not managed to get on the site the last few days - at least not when I've had any spare time anyway (would insert a smiley with tongue here - but I can't see the emoticons at the moment so am guessing there's still something not quite right).
D - Pasta with Chicken and bacon (not a lot at all but I think it was a teeth issue, not a pasta issue!!
), yogurt
PMSL - am hoping that it was teeth issue too and not a pasta one ;o)
Hugs for the 2 hours stuck in traffic - that totally sucks . . . if there's one thing I can't bear it's being stuck in traffic (such a waste of time!) but it makes it a whole lot worse when you've got a toddler with you too (not to mention a grumpy DH LOL!!)
Khalam's Mama - sorry for the delay in response about the savoury flapjacks. Pleased they turned out okay - not sure about the saltiness as I just use whatever cheese I've got in the fridge (which TBH is whichever cheddar is on offer when I go to the supermarket - I don't usually buy a particular brand as such). I usually put mine in a tin or tupperware container once they've cooled. I did have one batch that started to get a bit furry tho (another tongue here!) - but I think that's just because DH and DD didn't demolish that batch as quickly as usual. Maybe keeping them in the fridge isn't a bad idea after all - it didn't cross my mind as I wouldn't put sweet ones in the fridge, kwim?
Anyway here's the last few days - think DD has been eating more than usual so probably another growth spurt for her!!!
B: rice crispies & milk, few dry CN cornflakes on the side, innocent smoothie, dried cranberries
S: raisins, bread sticks, milk
L: spaghetti hoops, toast, angel delight, water
S: cake, milk
At home
D: crustless quiche (with courgette, carrot, bacon, mushroom, onion, cheese), boiled new potatoes in skins, yoghurt, satsuma, dried cranberries, water, biscuit
B: 2 slices of toast with ginger honey, innocent smoothie, dried cranberries (YES, that's right something other than cereal for breakfast!!!)
S: (at Gran's) 2 organix moon biscuits, apple juice
L: (at Great Gran's) scrambled egg on toast with ketchup for dipping, yoghurt, water
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes, water
D: risotto rice cake with chopped up avocado, tomato & cucumber, yoghurt, blueberries, water, biscuit
B: rice crispies & milk, few dry CN cornflakes on the side, innocent smoothie, dried cranberries
S: home-made granola bar, water
L: (at Great Gran's) home-made vegetable & bean soup with bread and butter for dipping, gherkin, slice of ham, yoghurt, piece of licorice, water
S: ice-cream lolly (at the local carnival), juice
D: leftover crustless quiche with boiled new potatoes in skins & chunks of avocado, yoghurt, banana, milk & home-made blueberry muffin
B: Mammoth breakfast (maybe due to sleeping in?) rice crispies & milk, few dry CN cornflakes on the side, nearly 2 slices of toast with ginger honey, cherries, OJ
S: home-made savour muffin (with cheese, bacon & courgette), water
L: cheese & onion pasty with brown sauce for dipping, half a banana, water
S: organix cereal bar, water
D: SC chicken with feta, sun-dried toms & olives, boiled new potatoes in skins, yoghurt, home-made blueberry muffin, water
B: rice crispies & milk, few dry CN cornflakes on the side, OJ
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes, water
L: shared DH's and my lunch - bit of ham, cheese, tomato & mustard sandwich, bit of hummus, roasted pepper & olive sandwich, few crisps, few broad bean snack (dried broad beans in spicy batter - delicious, but probably not that healthy!!), cherries, water
S: home-made savoury muffin, juice
D: spag bol (new recipe with lots of veg in sauce: carrot, courgette, mushroom, red pepper, onion) bit of garlic bread, yoghurt, biscuit, water
Today is the first day that I've offered DD pasta in any shape or form since the alleged pasta conspiracy - although she didn't eat all her tea she did eat a decent amount . . . so she's either not yet heard of the conspiracy OR as she didn't finish the lot she could well be 'sitting on the fence' deciding whether to join in or not!!