Catherine, I tend to make up a big batch of chicken and bacon casserole for DS that he loves. Also, pasta sauces freeze well and you just have to boil the pasta. Oh, and when I have time (and the inclination) Ben loves chicken 'sausages' they are an Annabel Karmel recipe but I've seen it on here too - I can post it for you if you like - I know it's not a whole meal, but I will sometimes cook one for DS to have with his lunch.
Also, what about mild veggie or meat curry? or small individual pies, like mini pasties I suppose

not made them but they would be a whole meal in one and you could definitely freeze them and just pop them in the oven to cook. Hmmm, thinking I need to investigate that idea further!!
So, we seem to have a couple of good days followed by a week or two of rubbish eating. DS gashed his chin open this morning so I was expecting a rough day eating and nap wise, but he has been pretty good actually!
B - banana, ready brek, the jam off a piece of toast

S - 3 organix corn snacks while waiting to see the nurse
L - beans and sausages on toast, yoghurt coated raisins, a few chocolate buttons (was feeling sorry for him!)
S - 1/2 a muffin he helped to make
D - chicken and bacon casserole, cake and custard