Welcom brennasmommy

Khalam's Mama - just seen your new ticker!


Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy.
With regard to the flapjacks - I've added grated courgette and it was lovely. The recipe suggests grated carrot or courgette and I think finely chopped (or grated?) onion. As Karen said - onion seems to work well.
Karen - thanks for the veggie chips/crisps recipe - think I would like them myself. Have made parsnip crisps before and they were lovely but think a mix would be even better. Have bought bags of veggie crisps before and they are yummy - tho I suspect not as healthy as making them yourself!
Steph - hugs for the gashed chin. Hope DS is doing okay.

Cath - trying to think of things that I make and freeze but TBH think everything has been mentioned: curries, pasta sauce, veggie chilli. Couple of things I used to make (recipes from BLW thread many moons ago) were tuna 'croquettes' (tuna, mash pots, breadcrumbs) and also chicken sausages/patties (this may be the AK recipe but I don't know for sure).
Here's what DD has been eating the last couple of days . . .
B: muesli & milk, banana (shared it with DH and I), water
S: (at Gran's) 2 organix moon biscuits
L: (at Great Gran's) REFUSED pasta and veg - so it seems Alice has finally gone over to the dark side

S: savoury muffin, few spicy battered broad beans, water
D: whole jacket potato with cheese & mixed olives, chopped cucumber & tomato (cleared the plate - prob due to lack of lunch!), yoghurt, choc chip cookie, banana, water
B: rice crispies, milk, strawberry & banana smoothie
S: kit kat, juice
L: ham sandwich, cheese cubes, sausage roll, yoghurt, water
S: raisins, breadsticks, milk
At Home
D: cabbage roll casserole, slice of garlic baguette, yoghurt, water, choc chip cookie
B: muesli & milk, strawberry & banana smoothie
S: (at Gran's) organix cereal bar, juice
L: (at Great Gran's) home-made veg and noodle soup, bread & butter for dipping, sweet bread roll with jam & butter, yoghurt
S: yoghurt coated fruit flakes, water
D: cheese & leek lattice (pastry), carrot & potato mash, peas & sweetcorn, yoghurt, melon, water, biscuit & milk