Author Topic: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6  (Read 61972 times)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #225 on: July 10, 2010, 21:27:51 pm »
Sure Berni - not sure if DS (or DD) would eat it but they might and it sounds yummy, thanks!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #226 on: July 10, 2010, 22:50:28 pm »
Today was:

Breakfast: Blueberries, Yogurt smoothie and 1/2 a piece cinnamon toast
Lunch: Pears, cheese melted on a slice of bread, carrots
Snack: Cereal bar, apple puffs
Dinner: Mini Nella Wafers (given by dh while I was cooking :/), pasta and squash (maybe 4 spoon fulls before she just refrused and literally freaked!)

We were doing semi well till the end of the day, I just bought the deceptively delicious cook book by Jerry Seinfelds wife......Dd eats some veggies I just thought it would be cool to get other ideas on how to sneak them in :)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #227 on: July 11, 2010, 00:29:35 am »
I am over the moon with max's eating, Thanks so much! :) Way better then what it was a huge improvement here! What other things can i offer him other then yoghurt then? I will try and only offer one yoghurt a day, i need other alternatives, he has a fair bit of fruit to during the day aswell. He isnt a huge fan of sandwhiches either, on the odd occasion he will eat one! I dont mind giving him snack food (one item a day) but i would prefer not until i am satisfied he has had decent eating with other things first!


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #228 on: July 11, 2010, 01:32:55 am »
I keep frozen peas and green beans handy, and just run them under some warm water for DS when I want him to munch on something healthy. Also, cheese. He loves several different kinds of cheese. Loves it.

KM: I think that is it; he just doesn't need the bottles anymore. He gets milk and other drinks in his sippy cup, and probably prefers the faster flow. I am just sad, because I feel like this is the end of a stage with us. I nursed him for almost a year, and was very sad when that stage ended abruptly. It took me a while to adjust to nurturing him with cuddles while giving him a bottle rather than my breast, and now it is like he doesn't need me anymore. I know that is melodramatic, but... it makes me sad.

Nathan's appetite is back, which is wonderful. He had a heck of a time for a few days there with teeth, but they are through now. It is also cooler here (well, less hot), so we are all feeling more comfortable.

B: an egg, toast, and watermelon
S: a Graduates toddler cereal bar and a banana
L: chunks of turkey, Babybel cheese, cheddar cheese curds, cucumber, tomato, pickle, and a bit of a 100% fruit juice popsicle
S: 1/4 of an apple, 1/4 of a nectarine, a few crackers
D: ravioli and garlic bread

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #229 on: July 11, 2010, 02:34:32 am »
He does like corn and honey carrots so i could have some of them handy for when he wants a snack, I just never think if it unless i'm cooking them for dinner! I'm about to cut up every verggie you can think of for a huge stir fry so he can try some of that. If i keep offering to him i'm sure he will start to eat more veg like other things since his taste buds are starting to want new things other then milk!

I gave into the treat today, we went to the grocery store and the darn checkouts with lolly pops, so he is having a lolly pop as i type!  :-\ oh well thats it for today now!

back later with the whole day, we havent even had lunch yet :)


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #230 on: July 11, 2010, 17:38:47 pm »
Karen - will pop back with the curry recipe as I've left the book downstairs & am on bedtime story duty imminently  ;)

B: croissant with various toppings (ginger honey, rhubarb & ginger jam, marmalade), melon, mixed berry smoothie
S: 2 x yoghurt coated sesame snaps, water
L: home-made lettuce soup topped with a bit of grated cheese & fresh chives, soda bread & butter for dipping, apple
S: 'roasted' chick peas (from the recipe Karen posted - DD loved them  ;D), juice
D: SC chicken with carrots, mushrooms, onions, peas & sweetcorn (in condensed mushroom soup sauce) with potato & carrot mash (ate every last bit), yoghurt, biscuit

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #231 on: July 11, 2010, 18:56:11 pm »
Our curry "recipe"..

Fry onion and whatever else i have...courgette (zucchini) peppers, peas, even diced potato - any veg really. Add a dollop of tomato puree, couple of teaspoons of a mild curry paste, same of mango chutney, and some cream of coconut. we use the solid block kind and shave pieces off it. Add chopped tomatoes and let it simmer away. Taste and add more coconut if needed. I suppose with chicken you would fry that first then add it to the rest of the sauce at the end? Its a lovely mild yet tasty curry and can be tweaked to suit your tastes. Ds has it with rice, couscous or naan bread.Sorry measurements are a bit vague.

Hope you like it,

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #232 on: July 11, 2010, 19:01:46 pm »
B - 1 banana, fromage frais, water, cheerios and milk
S - grapes, raisins, twiglets, water
L - sausages, peas, sweetcorn, carrots, potato smile, homemade banana loaf and ice cream, water
S - none
Tea - pasta with veggie meatballs and mushroom, tomato and garlic sauce, fig yoghurt, raisins, water
supper - cheerios and milk

N xxxx
Bram Robert Reilly Con Fitzsimmons...Born 22/12/08
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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #233 on: July 11, 2010, 23:02:51 pm »

B: half weetbix with milk......egg and toast
S: yoghurt and a lollypop on our trip to the grocery store  :-\
L: toasted ham and cheese sandwhich
S: a full peeled apple on our walk (water) and his pop gave him a small choccie :)
D: marinated chicken, roast potato, stir fry noodles (and he actually tried fish and loved it) just the plain white fish fillets baked in oven......yay!
S: another yoghurt and his first ever milo in a mug (it was very cute)


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #234 on: July 11, 2010, 23:56:48 pm »

Breakfast: French toast (from the deliciously deceptive cookbook) 1/2 yogurt and some blueberries
Lunch: Carrots, Chicken nuggets, grapes
Snack: Nilla wafers and cheerios
Dinner: was served broccoli, green beans, carrots and bits and peice of a cheese burger. ate next to none of it

Offline teilvnav

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #235 on: July 12, 2010, 03:39:57 am »
B: poached egg on rye toast, cheddar cheese chunks, and roasted potatoes
S: a banana
L: green beans, cheddar cheese chunks, and goldfish crackers
S: necarine chunks, animal crackers, and zuchinni chunks
D: DH's homemade macaroni and cheese (with riccota cheese in it and cheddar on top), peas, and sour dough bread

Seems like we were kind of heavy on the cheese today, but all of the cheddar was low fat and in my opinion that doesn't really count (!).

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #236 on: July 12, 2010, 09:50:23 am »
Haven't had chance to get on for long recently, still been following along though! Our days have been pretty much the usual. The curry sounds lovely Nell, I'm going to give that a go.
Catherine x

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #237 on: July 12, 2010, 11:53:33 am »

B: poached egg (didnt eat much) wholemeal toast and warm milo.
S: yoghurt and an apple
L: vegemite and cheese sandwhich on wholemeal bread
S: yoghurt and more apple
D: baked fish, potato, sweet potato and corn
ice cream after dinner ( we had dinner at grandma and poppy's )

Then he had another warm milo with daddy when he got home from work and dipped a biscuit in :)

Gee i am pretty boring when it comes to snacks arent I?  :-\


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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #238 on: July 12, 2010, 12:21:50 pm »
Thanks for the curry recipe! Last few days a bit of a blur - busy weekend -- but yesterday was:

B: few bites toasted whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, cantaloupe, blueberries
L: 1/3 grilled cheese sandwich on whole wheat, few veggie chips
S: yogurt, strawberries and grapes
D: half a large meatball, half a mozzarella stick, half a small piece pizza (out for dinner)

So a good eating day but NO veggies to speak of. Will correct that today! Going to try a new recipe tonight for crockpot chicken and dumplings - hope we all enjoy it!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 6
« Reply #239 on: July 12, 2010, 17:38:56 pm »
Haven't been able to check out this board in a while, but I love reading what all your LOs are eating!  So many ideas!

Karen, about those veggie chips, what kind do you use?  Aaron will eat hardly any veggies (unless they're mixed in with other things or in a casserole), so I'm searching for something supplemental.
*formerly tersaseda*