Hi all
Not managed to get on and post the last couple of days - and you've been busy

Love catching up on what all the little folk have been eating!
Amy - so cute that Nathan has started the 'dipping phase'

Lucy - love the new avatar, your 2 LOs are adorable. And yes, more than happy to share the sausage, apple & onion pie - have posted it before so will have a dig round and let you know (cos I'm way too lazy to retype it!

As far as entertaining DD at the table goes it's always been a no-go in our house - I'm like Amy (a mean Mummy too

) and as far as I'm concerned the table is where we eat. If we've finished (or we're playing up

) then we get down.
DD is a fruit monster too (like Lucy's DD) so am not sure how you get a LO to eat more - other than to keep offering it.
So here's what DD's been eating the last few days . . .
B: TWO bowls of cereal & milk (half shreddies half rice crispies) - she asked for more after she finished the first bowl and then polished off a second in no time! Couple of CN clusters on the side, apple juice
S: (at playgroup) refused the grapes that were offered first but didn't say no to the chocolate fingers - in fact she had TWO! Juice
L: (out) cheese on toast, strawberry & banana smoothie, bit of my chocolate orange cake
S: sultanas, water
D: more of the sausage, apple & onion pie topped with cheddar & spring onion mash, peas & sweetcorn, yoghurt, bit of banana, water
B: cereal & milk (half shreddies half rice crispies), half a banana, smoothie (banana, fruit pot, yoghurt and orange juice)
S: raisins, bread sticks, milk
L: ham sandwich, sausage roll, grapes, yoghurt, juice
S: jam on toast, water
At home
D: SC chicken/salsa/cream cheese/beans/corn/olive dish with taco shells (ate all the chicken dish but only a couple of bits of taco), yoghurt, bit of home-made apple & pear crumble with custard, smoothie, marshmallow popcorn ball
B: cereal (same 'medley' as usual

), bit of banana, apple juice
S: packet of pineapple crisps, juice
L: cheese sandwich, gherkin, bit of home-made beetroot chutney, bit of iceberg lettuce, few organix corn snacks, yoghurt, kiwi, water
S: finished off last few pineapple crisps & rest of organix corn snacks, water
D: couple of bites of gnocchi bake (with tomato sauce, pepper, onion & basil, mozzarella cheese), juice - wasn't interested in dinner as she just wanted to carry on playing out