Well done Cath, it is good isn't it to know you are feeding good stuff - very satisfying.
Was reading some info from WHO and I am trying to give food with vit c with meals to help absorbs iron etc and also give more protein. I was looking at portions sizes too and maybe DS isn't that far off.
B: 1/4 Banana pancake, 3 strawberries, few sips banana smoothy.
L: Chicken and mushroom risotto with hidden veggies (pepper, onion etc) with extra roast chicken, 1/4 peanut butter wrap - spat some out, blackcurrent juice
S: few bites each - baguette, cheese, turkey ham, humous. 5 strawberries, 1/2 apricot - at park
D: More roast chicken, 3 tbs lentil/peas/bean bolognese, few mouthfuls rice, 1/3 peshwari nann, 1/4 apricot, few spoons yoghurt.
I am determined to feed him up and make sure he gets all the nutrients he needs.