Have just been playing catch up as I've not managed to get on here for a few days.
Khalam's Mama - I think my DD always looks like she eats a lot but then she is a lot older. Can't remember exactly when she started eating decent amounts but when I compared what she ate to everyone else's LOs (that I knew) she ate next to nothing. I did purely BLW with her (started at 6 months but I don't think she really ate anything until about 9 months

) and everyone else was spoon feeding their LOs full pureed meals (sometimes 3 courses LOL!) - so there was huge difference in her intake way back then. However, I kept telling myself that milk was her most important food for the first 12 months and that she had a whole life time of eating ahead of her . . . it worked

Also I watched a programme a while back about overweight children (I'm not obsessed about food and weight, honest!) and the guy who 'conducted the experiment' was basically saying that a lot of the problem boils down to portion size - quite often parents will put the same size portion on a child's plate that they would eat themselves! He said a portion (for anyone, no matter how big they are) should be no bigger than the palm of the hand - bit shocking to me as my portions (for DH and I who love our food

) is way bigger than anyone's hand!!
Funny you should mention the citrus fruit and iron absorption thing - I only found this out recently when having my bloods done for the 2nd time due to low iron. The nurse who did my bloods said the easiest way to get as much iron out of any meal you were eating was to have a glass of orange juice with it - I had no idea until then!
Sweetcorn . . . I tend to have a bag each of sweetcorn and peas in the freezer and I usually microwave it. I also keep a tin in the cupboard and that usually will go in with tuna and mayo for fillings (sandwiches, baked pots, etc) or get thrown into a 'sauce-based' meal, iykwim? If it's on the cob then I either boil it or but it on the BBQ. As for digesting it - sweetcorn is the same for us as it is for LOs - it tends to come out almost exactly as it went in

Funnily enough DD's first food that she ate (or that I KNEW she ate) when BLW was baby sweetcorn - because I had evidence to prove it! Sorry TMI

Pancakes - I usually serve with yoghurt / creme fraiche / fromage frais on the side for dipping and a drizzle of honey too.
Amy - DD also eats a LOT of fruit (loves the stuff almost as much as cereal and yohgurt!) - not sure what the cut off point is? I'd rather that she had an extra piece of fruit than an extra biscuit tho

Finally - here's a whole load of stuff that DD has been eating the last week . . .
B: 2 x home-made blueberry, banana & pear pancakes with yoghurt & honey - requested the 'fruit bowl' and got out fruit for us all to share (2 kiwis & 3 satsumas for the three of us - tho she did eat the lion's share!), OJ
S: none (late breakfast as she didn't wake til about 8.30am - that was DH's Father's Day treat LOL!)
L: Great-Gran's home-made veg soup, bread & butter for dipping, various cheeses, pickled gherkin (a new fave!)
S: ice-cream (treat at the ice-cream parlour after the park), water
D: refused beetroot risotto - but it wasn't long after the (rather large

) ice cream and it was very hot
B: rice crispies & shreddies with milk, CN cornflakes on the side, OJ
S: couple of bits of cold sausage
L: 2 x beetroot risotto 'cakes' (leftover risotto bound with egg and fried up), with chopped cucumber & tomato on the side, couple of rocket leaves (fresh from the garden), yoghurt, fruit pot, (peaches in juice), juice
S: rice cakes, mini milk ice cream, water
D: home-made lettuce soup, bread & butter for dipping, various cheeses, yoghurt, home-made rhubarb crumble & custard, water
B: rice crispies & shreddies with milk, CN cornflakes on the side, OJ
S: raisins, grapes, orange, water
L: ham & cheese tortilla wrap, sausage roll, angel delight, juice
S: chocolate chip cookies, water
At home
D: sausage, mashed pots, peas & sweetcorn with onion gravy - didn't really want it but ate a piece of sausage, one spoon of mash & one spoon of peas
B: rice crispies & milk (the shreddies are gone

- have to wait for pay day for big shop!), CN cornflakes on the side, OJ
S: (at Gran's) organix cereal bar
L: (at Great-Gran's) home-made bigos with bread & butter, yoghurt, piece of licorice, water (bigos is a Polish dish - bit like sauerkraut with cabbage and sausage)
S: yoghurt coated raisins, water
D: pork pie, mashed pots, mushy peas with brown sauce for dipping (ate all bar one mouthful), yoghurt, blueberries, water, biscuit
B: rice crispies & milk, CN cornflakes on the side, 2 x kiwi fruit, OJ
S: raisins, milk
L: pasta bolognese, crusty bread, yoghurt, OJ
S: cookies, water
S: banana, ice lolly, OJ
At home
D: cabbage roll casserole (ate most), yoghurt, water, biscuit
As you can see we've had a couple of dinner refusals but I think it's down to the heat - and the fact that sometimes DD eats so much in the day that she's just full (unless of course it's anything sweet or yoghurt based and then she's always hungry LOL!) Think it was Mashi who said it's good to look at what a LO eats over the course of a week . . . and I think she's done okay. The CM says that she eats a LOT when she's there so I don't expect her to eat much of a dinner of those days - and yet sometimes she does!