Author Topic: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??  (Read 7670 times)

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Offline aimeeL

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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2010, 13:58:22 pm »
Oh goodness, ladies, thank you for humoring me.  I went to bed thinking - they must think I'm nuts.

SO... she's awake as I type - woke up at 6:50 a.m.... so just under 10 hrs.  But again - considering she had over 3 hrs yesterday, - that still 13 hrs of sleep in 24, ykwim?  We've had some worse days before.....  But what do you think?

One thing that has REALLY seemed to work so far is pushing the nap to 6 hrs A time.  I think I'll go for another 12:30-12:45 p.m. nap and then maybe wake at 3:30?

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However, Sunday really wasn't much different, like 15 min! 
  I think the reason Sunday was different was because on Sat, it was a 2 nap day and the 2nd nap was 2 hrs long.  Sunday, we did 1 nap, and the nap was 3 hrs long.  So I think the longer nap required the slightly longer A time....

Thanks again, ladies... it sure helps my muddled brain to have you here.   :-*

Offline katie80

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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2010, 17:14:23 pm »
I think I'll go for another 12:30-12:45 p.m. nap and then maybe wake at 3:30?

Sounds like a good plan to me.

I have a quick question: is it best to cap the nap if los wake up at a decent time?  I always thought long naps cut into night sleep.

I think they do too, Sabrina, but I think you can look at it two ways.  Either they cut into it, because a LO won't fall asleep til pretty late and still wake the same time, or if she still falls asleep at a decent hour, she wakes earlier.  I guess if the wake up is decent, I'd probably cap if you don't want bedtime to be too late.  But, with an earlier wake, I think a longer nap helps to keep OT at bay, and so the bedtime doesn't change as much.  Not sure if any of that is right, but it's what makes sense in my head, and seems to be what works for my DD.

Offline aimeeL

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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2010, 17:36:13 pm »
Yup, I agree with Katie.. I mean, if it's working *right*, I think most people have to choose between longer naps and shorter nights OR shorter naps and longer naps.  But that's only if it's all going well.  If not - then you end up with short naps and short nights.. which is when it's a bad move to cut the nap.

Well, she had her fussy moment this a.m. right around CN time.. and I almost thought to put her down.. but DH convinced me to just push through it... and she has perked up quite a bit.  She does have a runny, goopy nose, though... so am wondering how that's playing into it all. 

ANYWAYS.  We'll see.  Will keep you posted.

Any longer naps for you yet, Katie?


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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2010, 18:22:59 pm »
That makes sense ladies.  But I still can't figure out this puzzle of waking up early.  It feels like a never ending cycle of early wake ups-we give them a long nap to compensate the short night followed by a decent bedtime. I never thought it would be difficult to crack EWs. For my lo, pushing out her nap has always worked but now I am not sure. I always get confused on when the nap gets pushed out later, how long to let them sleep.

Sorry Aimee, don't want to hijack with your post.
How long was her A time this morning before you put her down for nap?

Do keep us posted.  

Offline aimeeL

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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2010, 04:31:06 am »
So what was I even thinking - talking about "capping naps" so confidently?!   ::)  L treated us to a 1 hr 40 min nap today... *groan*  I don't know what it was, either... she woke at 6:50 a.m. and we put her down at 12:30 - she was out like a light.. so maybe 12:35 p.m. asleep?  I *thought* we shouldn't push her to 6 hrs A time because of the short night and the little bit of a cold she seems to have... but I'm wondering if she really does need that 6 hrs?!  She woke happily enough - although I know that could still mean OT. 

Oh well.  Made for a much crankier toddler at the church camp this evening... but... such is life.  I just got home and actually haven't even chatted much with DH about her bedtime yet, so I'm not sure when she actually fell asleep.

Will update tomorrow... and pray for a longer nap!!

Offline aimeeL

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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2010, 16:34:07 pm »
Sooo....are you ready for our wakeup this a.m.?  *Drum roll please*......7:40 a.m.!!!  I don't know if she's EVER woken up that late... so she did 8:15-7:40 - almost 11.5 hrs!  I'm always SO happy when her body can compensate accordingly - sleep a long night when the nap was short.

Anyways - am aiming to put her down around 1:30-ish today and I think cap her nap at 3:30 p.m. IF she goes that long.. if she doesn't.. we should still be not-too-badly-off for bedtime...

Offline katie80

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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2010, 17:16:12 pm »
So what was I even thinking - talking about "capping naps" so confidently?!   ::)  L treated us to a 1 hr 40 min nap today... *groan* 

Isn't that how it always goes!?!    ::)

Maybe that's more evidence, though, that 6 hrs truly is about right for her.  AND, what an incredible wake up!  That always helps!  Sounds like you have another good plan for today.  I think once you're through with church camp and the move, then you can start charting what she does a little bit and see if you can't get it more consistent each day, i.e. certain amount of day sleep leads to certain amount of night, etc.

Any longer naps for you yet, Katie?

Sweet of you to ask, Aimee!  Unfortunately, the answer is no.  Claire is hovering on the edge of OT and it seems each day gets just a little less sleep.  But, we're in a similar situation with naps.  I can't get her down any earlier due to swimming lessons this week and next, which are also during her CN time if she needs one.   ::)  Forging through, I guess!

Offline aimeeL

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Re: 1 nap = day too short; 2 nap = day too long... what to do!??
« Reply #37 on: June 24, 2010, 04:38:19 am »
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I can't get her down any earlier due to swimming lessons this week and next, which are also during her CN time if she needs one.
  Ugh - I hear you.  Nothing else to do but muddle through those situations and make the best of it...  Sorry - hope she napped better for you today.

So today was:
7:40 a.m. - wakeup (11.5 hrs sleep)
1:30 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. - nap (had to wake up)
8:30 p.m. - asleep

VERY pleased with how the day went; now just curious as to what wakeup will be tomorrow... I do think it's almost impossible, though, to get 12 hr days because of our LOs A-time-needs at this point!... or is that just me?!