Author Topic: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...  (Read 4399 times)

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Offline lizzyr

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Hello - I'd be so grateful if someone could read this and give us some help. Sorry it's so long!

A brief background of Finn's problems. He is 6.5 months old and exclusively breastfed:

3 weeks - 'colic' started (screaming from 11pm - 3am each night)
4 weeks - screaming through each feed / after feeds / frequent sick / congested
5 weeks reflux was diagnosed by doc gaviscon prescribed. I chose to cut dairy and soy (after extensive reading - my doctor dismissed this idea, but did it anway). After 2 weeks of non dairy/soy stopped gaviscon, reflux much improved. No more screaming through feeds.
2 months - Finn started straining from 3 am - 7 am, first in sleep, then would wake him up. Apart from this, a happy baby finally. Cooing / laughing!
3-4 months 3 days after immunisations Finns poo's became explosive and full of mucus. Every poo. He was crying and straining much of the day and night. Red rimmed eyes, congestion, sicky.
He would scream for an hour before passing a BM. Reflux returned, constant fist sucking / jerky movements. I was still off dairy / soy - we both though 'hmmm can't have been the dairy after all as his symptoms are back', so tried re-introducing. NOT a good idea - Finn spent 1 week screaming day and night, totally inconsolable frantic screaming. Finn stopped cooing and laughing, became noticibly withdrawn and unhappy.
3.5 months - At this point i realised some plain crisps I had been eating contained 'soy leitchin', so may have been it. Cut them out. Still sick, mucus.
Went back to docs, prescibed Gaviscon again!!!(after telling me I should not worry - he'll grow out of it)This seemed to make things worse, he started gulping and crying more. Was told mucus poos nothing to worry about. All this was just 'colic'. I hate that word. Saw another doc - it was clear I was now in the 'over anxious first time mother' category. Again told that 'he'll grow out of it'. Insisted on referral.
Referral came - they had offered us an appointment for 6 weeks later. Finn was still in considerable pain and every poo was mucus. Started to think it was possibly temporary lactose intollerance, not MSPI or in addition to MSPI.
4-5 months - symptoms calmed for 2 weeks - thought 'ha! Docs were right after all - he has grown out of it! Woohoo!'  Still mucus poos though.
5-6 months All symptoms returned gradually until 1 week of day and night screaming, screaming for hours before before BM. Racked my brains as to what I may have eaten. TESCO bread rolls ( I ate these over 2 weeks) were the culprit, they have soy flour in ( I only found this out after contacting TESCo directly, not on packet. Could have kicked myself as I had been so careful looking for hidden dairy, but missed this).
6 months - saw Pediatrician finally. He diagnosed possible MSPI (or, he said, 'allergy') and that the mucus / pain with BM was colitis caused by the allergy. Prescribed Neocate, and suggested I used for 2 weeks and pumped to keep my supply up. This would confirm the diagnosis and give a good base line with which to start Finn on solids.
Tried to get him to drink Neocate - he refused, then started even refusing bottles of expressed breast milk which he had never done before.
So...... I decided to do an elimination diet (turkey, lamb, rice and millet as my grains, and a selection of the least sllergenic fruit and veg (eg avocado / pears). I haver been on this diet for a month. It seemed to work!!! He had the happiest period of 8-9 days I've ever seen - happy all day, smililing, playing etc etc. We were over the moon (strangely though, he started waking every hour at night, but TBH I was so happy he was happy that I didn't care! He has never slept through the night, normally wakes 3-5 times, sometimes more). Still mucus poo's but we thought it would take a while for his gut to heal, so though nothing of it.
BUT the last week things have started to gradually get worse again. Fussier at first. Now straining again, and today crying for ages before very mucosy khaki green coloured BM.  With the peds go ahead we started to wean him on pears a week ago.

We just don't know what to do. He has now had mucus poos for over 3 months as well as episodic bouts of frequent sickiness, and crying to pass a BM. His mood has changed so much, and we just want him to be able to be the happy baby we know he is. We are all exhasted.

Is it time to try and force the Neocate again?
Could he be allergic to something in my diet still - rice perhaps (I am eating so much of it)?Could he be reacting to the pears?
The mucus poos have never gone away - is this normal?
What else could it be?
What else can we do?

If you have read this far - thank you!!! 

If you have any ideas, please let us know, we are desperate for some support. 

Offline macsmum

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 20:22:04 pm »

no real advice re possible allergies ::) but ds had reflux and the gaviscon alone wasnt enough, he was put on ranitidine liquid aswell as gaviscon, which helped loads, very weight sensitive so the dose was increases regulary.....

Re the neocate, i have read on other post that mums have mixed the neocate with breast milk, gradually adding more neocate till they end up purely onneocate bottles, apparently the neocate tastes gross, so perhaps thats why your lo wont take it ::)

tbh if i was you i would be keeping a diary of how unsettled lo is and get back to the docs with it and not leave till they listen to me ::) it really is shocking how they say colic all the time.......................

My niece was loosing weight for the 1st 8weeks of her life, i told my sister she had reflux, the gp said she didnt her pead agreed she did have reflux and she was finally out on medication :o the whole system sucks..

hope you get some answers soon :-*
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Offline lizzyr

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 20:54:46 pm »
Thanks so much for replying.
I'm not keen to medicate for reflux as the actual being sick does not seem to bother Finn and since no dairy he does not scream/arch etc whilst feeding. I'm sure it is a symptom of an intollerance.

Have been keeping a diary of symptoms all along. We had to do a 'sit in' in  our doctors surgery in the end. ABout 5 weeks ago, after another episode, we went to the surgery and  refused to leave until we saw a doctor. It worked, and we were referred to the ped the next day (funny that, since they were expecting us to wait for 6 weeks for the original appt!).

The funny thing is that the screaming episodes have gone since I have removed trace soy and done the elimination diet, but the mucus poo / 'fussiness' / pain with passing BM remain. However he had a few days of pure happy baby - it was like he 'emerged', IYSWIM.

We tried mixing the Neocate with breastmilk. It does tase horrible. Bitter, and smells to me like potato peelings. The problem was, even with 1 oz neocate to 6 oz breastmilk, he still refused, then refused pure breastmilk. I don't want to be left in a situation where he will not take a bottle at all. But may have to try again. It makes me incredibly sad to give up breastfeeding now, but if it would bring back the happy, well lad that we saw, then I would do whatever it takes.

I am just so tired, I keep thinking we are getting there, only to get knocked back again. Feeling quite down about the whole situation. I want to get him on some solids too, but it is so hard now. We gave him a tiny amount of sweet potato this morning and he has had a terrible day. He woke crying from his nap, cried fo 1/2 hour, strained to do huge mucus poo, then fell asleep again. His cheeks have been bright red all day and he has pretty much slept on me or cried today and seemed really poorly. Now we don't know if he has a bug / is it teething or is it linked to the food??? Its all so confusing.

Offline macsmum

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 21:23:56 pm »

how does he feed when bf is he still fussy or is it just the bottle he doesnt like ::)

the thing with reflux is the sick is only a part of it, lots of babies have reflux but are never sick, basically it is acid burning the inside of lo pipes(cant think of the right word) :P so the swallow action soothes but then the pain comes again, the gaviscon is only acting as a thickener for the feed to stop it come back up, it wont actually stop the burning iykwim ::)

sounds like your lo definately has some allergies but i wouldnt rule out the reflux either sometimes the 2 go hand in hand.

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2010, 22:22:29 pm »
Agree if he's still in pain acid might be part of it. Zantac (ranitidine) would help with this. It's basically side-effect-free so you have really nothing to lose by giving it a go.

I would also be pushing for a referral to an allergist. Have you also eliminated eggs? And odd as it sounds, some kids are allergic to seeds like sesame seeds. (I hadn't heard of that till my friend's DD came up with that in a long long list of foods she's allergic to.) It might also be worth considering going gluten-free as well if you already haven't. Another friend of mine had her DD in to the doctors over and over again for more than a year before they took her seriously and finally did the biopsy and diagnosed her DD's celiac.

Offline lizzyr

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2010, 08:17:14 am »
He generally bf's with no problem - UNLESS he is having a 'bad period', where he will now pull off and on - nothing like the first weeks though. Often you can hear his stomach gurgling.
He is not sick after feeds, normally a couple of hours after, it is normally clear liquid with partly digested (curdled) milk like cottage cheese. I underestand about silent reflux, however his reflux seems episodic and has coincided with me eating certain foods.

To be honest I feel that his pain is coming mainly from his bowels / intestine, rather than the reflux. He is quite happy to be put on his back. Hates being put on his front for even a couple of minutes. At his worst he would be straining and crying for 2/3 hours (and I mean tears streaming down his face, completely inconsolable) before doing the poo, and then the relief at passing it was clear. If this happened at night he would just fall asleep straight away with a small smile and look of relief. It was heartbreaking.

I have eliminated all the major allergens and for the past month have only been eating these foods:

Protien: Turkey, Lamb
Grains: Rice, millet
Veg: Sweet potato, potato, carrot, beets, parsnip, lettuce, squash, avocado
Fruit: Apricots, dates, pear, apple, blueberries, cranberries
Oils: Sunflower, olive
I drink calcium fortified rice milk.

We know FOR CERTAIN that he is allergic to dairy and soy as he reacts with severe screaming, explosive poos after me eating them. I also think possibly beef.

What I am concerened about is the fact that we had about 8 days of him being so amazingly happy - all the fussiness stopped, everything (although he was still puking now and again). And now things just seem to be slipping back. Although so far (touch wood) have not developed to an episode of endless screaming.

Should I not be worried about the continuing mucus poos and change in mood? The poos seem to be becoming more explosive again.

Maybe I should be more concerned about the sick.

Offline lizzyr

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2010, 08:20:21 am »
Also, not sure if I should crack on with weaning, or wait until his poos have settled.

Sorry for so many questions!!! I feel like I am losing my mind most of the time now!!!

Offline deb

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2010, 10:28:02 am »
What rice milk are you drinking? I had been drinking one with carrageenan in it and discovered that Natalie reacted to it. (It was another BW mom who came up with that one, actually!) I had to switch brands ti find one without it till she outgrew the reaction. It wasn't that severe, but icky spinach green poop that was definitely not the norm!

Also, have you tried any probiotics? In the event that there's an imbalance of intestinal flora going on, they can be really really helpful in getting things re-balanced. Many are cultured in dairy but there are some dairy-free probiotics out there; I believe Culturelle makes a dairy-free probioitic.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 10:29:45 am by deb »

Offline lizzyr

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2010, 12:02:24 pm »
Hi there,
I am drinking 'Rice Dream', will check the ingredients again.

Before going on the total elimination diet, (at the time I was just cutting out dairy/soy) I used Solgar probiotics which are dairy/soy/gluten free (I just sprinkled the poweder on my nipple whilst feeding him), but when I switched to this diet I decided to cut them out in case there was something in them that might have been agravating him. Maybe I should start them again, they are still in the fridge.

What's wierd is the reaction he's having now is not the screaming we get at the times I have mistakenly eaten dairy/soy, but there is clearly something still causing aggravation as his poos are still bad and the general fussiness has returned and lately some crying to poo again. I'm just not sure what it could be? I'm eating such a limited diet, but I suppose it could be anything?

Offline Rachel_Momto3boys

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Re: Please help a worried Mum and Dad, ongoing mucus and pain...
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2010, 03:54:55 am »
Sorry to hear that you had such difficulties trying to switch to the Neocate!  With a LO being older (6 mo or more), it can take a few days of slow weaning for him to take the Neocate.  If you decide to give Neocate another go, try a smaller amount of Neocate (0.5 oz) and the rest breast milk to see if that helps.  It may be helpful to try in the morning or when he has gone awhile without eating to make sure he is hungry.  You may also want to have someone else give him that particular bottle or try it in a sippy cup.  Just some suggestions.  Sounds like you're doing an awesome job tyring to help your LO feel better.   

Mom to 2 boys
Augustboy02 - Sensational Sensory Kid!!
Decemberboy04 - Former reflux baby
Expecting boy#3! July2010
Mom to 3 boys
Augustboy02 - Sensational Sensory Kid
Decemberboy04 - former reflux baby
Augustboy10 - MSPI Baby - EBF w/elimination diet