So last night was the worst yet.
He eventually went down to sleep at 8.15pm and then woke at 11pm.
I tried staying with him, bringing him into our bed, pulling the futon out in his room and trying to get some sleep myself while he was awake and in his cot. He eventually went back to sleep at 2.50AM!!!!!!!!
So today he went for a nap at 12.30pm and I was aiming to get him up at 2.15. Unfortunately, I fell asleep myself and didn't wake up until 2.35 *sigh*
So, what was with the massive NW? Is it because he's OT or UT?
I'm thinking that the way he's behaving at bed time seems to be UT, because when he's OT he tends to get very hyper and/or tearful. But surely after only around 7 hours night time sleep he must have swund the other way???
Gosh - just when you think you get a handle on them they throw a spanner in the works!
Any ideas? I feel like I need to get him on more of an even keel before he'll be happy going down on his own again. Should I be letting him sleep for as long as he wants in the day? My gut says I shouldn't but I just don't know!
Steph XXX