Author Topic: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate  (Read 9741 times)

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Offline maggie2

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2010, 21:59:29 pm »
Maggie, why would she get more mucus if Elcare is anti -allergic formula?

My lo doesn't have a true allergy and is 'allergic' (sensitive is a better word) to less common foods.  Don't know is she truly reacts to the formula or if it is a normal thing, like others have mentioned.  We still use it when necessary because there is no other choice, and she doesn't have the really severe reactions requiring hospitalization like she does with some foods.

More mucus is common when switching to elemental formulas, we just thought she had WAY too much.  Not to be gross or give TMI, but it was like 1/2 cup of pure mucus with each diaper!

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2010, 04:17:53 am »
maggie, elecare has corn syrup solids and also has some soy oil in it. any chance it could be either of those she isnt tolerating? i'd be rather concerned about that much mucous too :-\

Offline maggie2

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2010, 20:14:31 pm »
maggie, elecare has corn syrup solids and also has some soy oil in it. any chance it could be either of those she isnt tolerating? i'd be rather concerned about that much mucous too :-\

well, from my understanding, those things should not present a problem due to the fact that the proteins are broken down into their individual amino acids - so like if you have a soy protein sensitivity, you should be able to tolerate it.

BUT;), my mommy instincts tell me the same thing - so I only give it to her if I notice her not gaining weight.  Again, it'd be different if she was delayed in any way, or showing other signs of problems, but she seems very very healthy in every other way. 

Not to mention the fact that corn syrup solids is the first ingredient and the carbohydrate source - it's not the same as high fructose corn syrup, but gosh - it certainly doesn't sound very healthy!  As long as I'm still making what seems to be enough breast milk, I will continue to use that instead (and I had to FIGHT for this - I should link to my original post when all the crap started goin' down and we realized there was a problem... - actually, maybe I'll just update it anyway and I don't have to talk about myself so much on somebody else's thread!!  lol!!!)

Offline lizzyr

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2010, 08:20:14 am »
Have realised that Finn has had a bug, which hasn't helped matters (developed into ear infection in both ears) - his reflux returned with a vengence and he was barely feeding. He seems better now, but my supply has dropped MASSIVELY. I am now ill and have been in bed for 2 days with flu/diahorea. I am doing what I can to get it back up, nursing frequently, upping my fluids. I am concerned that I'm not getting the calories I need.

Mucus still there... I am paranoid that he will react to the Neocate if I switch completely as it contains sunflower oil. When I used a sunflower oil on him for baby massage he got patches of excema (could have just been coincidence but...).   It's a struggle to stay rationale at the moment and not be engulfed by it all.

Maggie2 - feel free to hop on the thread - it's all relevant stuff!!!

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2010, 22:51:03 pm »
oh - big hugs for you, lizzyr :'(  It is so hard when your lo is sick, but then to get sick yourself, and THEN to be a bf'ing mom and get sick, and THEN to be a sick bf'ing mom of a baby with food issues :-[  {{{hugs}}}

Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2010, 04:14:29 am »
huge hugs hun, hope you are all feeling better :-* let me know if you want anymore tips for upping your supply (i had to do a lot when we discovered ds2 was cow's milk intolerant as he was already on two formula bottles that i had to drop cold turkey). thinking of you.

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2010, 12:02:56 pm »
oh lizzy that sounds tough! Sending loads of hugs.  I guess a quick trial of neocate for one feed a day for 5 days when your supply is up would be worth doing, holding everything else in your diet constant?

The onyl thing is how would you know if there is a reaction as mucus is already in his poo. Maybe "more" mucus will come.

Have you considered sending him to an allergist for scratch testing?

Offline lizzyr

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2010, 13:50:28 pm »
Yes, finally we have been booked to see an allergist. We are now awaiting a letter. Makes me laugh tho', as I asked to see a dietician for help with my diet and I got an appointment by letter a couple of weeks ago...for the 4th September!!! How helpful!

I'm tempted just to go back to dairy and soy free only as the mucus is still there, what's the difference? I wish this wasn't co-inciding with me wanting to wean him (he's now nearly 7 months...). More time would help to avoid confusion between my diet and his IYSWIM.

Hope you guys are all ok and enjoying the sunshine. Still in bed here - and my guts are worse then Finn's! (TMI I know!).
Take care - thanks for all the support, it does help so much.

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2010, 09:17:19 am »
I would probably consider doing the same, have a little holiday from the diet for a few weeks just to get some sanity back.

Offline maggie2

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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2010, 12:06:43 pm »
Okay - I just want to add my experience here - while we were in the hospital, the doctors wanted me to stop bf'ing and just to go on elecare for a trial, to see if things improved.  At the time, my lo was not really having chronic issues like yours - it was more acute episodes - I will link to my post for you - it was such drama.  I really didn't want to stop because our problems had been caused by solids - but I think it was the usual protocol they were pushing on me because she was really small (but not having any delays or illness or anything).  Anyway, it might be helpful for you, even though it really wasn't for me!  lol!  After much back and forth, I finally found that the doctors normally recommend stopping bf's completely, but really all that is necessary is a trial period in many cases.

If you do a 2 week trial on neocate, you can observe his stools/behavior to look for any changes. You can pump to maintain your supply and if your lo is still having issues after the two weeks, you essentially know that it's not specific foods, but rather something else going on, like maybe malabsorption stuff.  You can then breastfeed again.  I will say, though, tat I hate pumping and don't respond well to it, but we were able to do it.  She had a little trouble latching back on afterwards though.

Anyway - here's my experience:


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Re: Stopping breastfeeding and switching to Neocate
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2010, 01:13:04 am »
Big ((((Hugs))))) Lizzyr.  Honestly, if you feel comfortable going to soy/dairy free only, you should (and hell, throw in a glass of wine!  I'll never forget when my DH came home with organic red wine for me one night - I said I no way, he was crazy, and he said "no, you NEED to, for you AND Gwynnie" ,lol - I had half a glass and was in heaven, and she tolerated it, very happy day!!  ;D ).  You have SO much going on, so many unknowns, and it can really drive you crazy.  Get some add'l nourishment, move forward and see what happens at the allergist.  I can 't remember if I shared with you - but I was literally only eating 5 foods for many months, one of them oatmeal (to keep my supply up), and I was getting really obsessive about everything food related.  Well, DD STILL had mucous in her stools at time - I thought I would lose my mind.  What else could I eliminate?  I thought I would have to be on air and water only in order to help her!  Turned out she was allergic to - oatmeal! - and I never would have guessed.  I guess what I'm saying is, there is only so much we can do on our part - doing our best, looking into things on our own, going with our gut, and working with the dr's will yield results.  In the interim - take care of YOURSELF.  You're doing a phenomenal job and everything will balance out (hopefully) soon.  (((hugs))).

Maggie.  WOW!  I just read your thread you posted above.  I can't believe the ordeal you've been through.  What an amazing, frustrating, incredible journey.  SO SO happy to hear it all worked out and Collette (that's my confirmation name by the way - lovely!), is nursing and things are going so well.  You are a strong strong mama.   :-* :-*  I hope things continue to go great.