Well I've just been trying to trace back the rashes and icky diapers... and they all got worse, during the time that we were trialing some baby food with corn in it. (like sqash and corn and sweet potato corn apple mix and etc.) I of course discontinued all the corn products, but didn't think about the fact that his formula had corn in it.
So I'm just kind of wondering, if it is actually the corn, that is irritating him in the hypo formula, instead of the protein. It would make sense, since it is a hypoallergenic formula, and most babies can tolerate normal hypo formulas, with out going to the elemental. Especially since he hadn't been exposed to corn, until about 3 months ago. Because the normal formula, doesn't have corn.
He is drinking the Alimentum RTF very well right now... so I'm hoping in a few days we might see an internal diff as well as with the rash/eczema.
I have also started him on a really good milk/corn/soy/gluten free probiotic and some enzymes, that are specially made for digesting milk. I'm thinking about looking up a naturopath Dr, to get more specific dosing. There has to be more answers, than the blank stare I keep getting from his Peads!!!