Author Topic: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?  (Read 8598 times)

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Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« on: June 23, 2010, 00:21:09 am »
DS is sensitive to corn. Is it possible that the corn syrup solids, that compose about 45-50% of hydrolyzed formulas, is causing a reaction?

Just grasping at straws here... any ideas?

If so, what would be other options for corn sensitive babies? I'm clueless.

Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 04:22:56 am »
the neocate LCP i am getting doesnt have corn syrup solids, it is based on glucose syrup, coconut oil and canola and sunflower oil. i was wondering the same thing for corn sensitive bubs. i 'think' the general idea is that the proteins are broken down so much in the syrup that it's unlikely to cause a reaction. someone please correct me if that's wrong!

Offline Rachel_Momto3boys

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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 04:50:33 am »
Well, there are no corn or soy proteins in the product, the proteins have been extracted and are highly refined.  Is your little guy still having a hard time?
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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 16:18:29 pm »
Well I dont think it's necessicarily the corn "protine" as much as some other element of the corn. The infant neocate I have has corn syrup in it. Which is the one you have? You said LCP? From what I've researched, the only truely corn free hypo formula is the alimentum ready to feed...


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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2010, 19:51:02 pm »
DS is sensitive to corn. Is it possible that the corn syrup solids, that compose about 45-50% of hydrolyzed formulas, is causing a reaction?

Just grasping at straws here... any ideas?

If so, what would be other options for corn sensitive babies? I'm clueless.

Yes, you can be sensitive to corn syrup solids. 

Corn is a reallllly difficult intolerance/allergy to have in the U.S.  There is corn in EVERYTHING.  My DD2 had a corn allergy, is slowly growing out of it, but it made it very difficult, you have to be so careful.  That being said, it is so so so rare (but not entirely impossible) to not be able to tolerate Neocate or Elecare, even w/the corn "base". 

What is making you think there is an issue? 


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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2010, 02:28:07 am »
Well I've just been trying to trace back the rashes and icky diapers... and they all got worse, during the time that we were trialing some baby food with corn in it. (like sqash and corn and sweet potato corn apple mix and etc.) I of course discontinued all the corn products, but didn't think about the fact that his formula had corn in it.

So I'm just kind of wondering, if it is actually the corn, that is irritating him in the hypo formula, instead of the protein. It would make sense, since it is a hypoallergenic formula, and most babies can tolerate normal hypo formulas, with out going to the elemental. Especially since he hadn't been exposed to corn, until about 3 months ago. Because the normal formula, doesn't have corn.

He is drinking the Alimentum RTF very well right now... so I'm hoping in a few days we might see an internal diff as well as with the rash/eczema.

I have also started him on a really good milk/corn/soy/gluten free probiotic and some enzymes, that are specially made for digesting milk. I'm thinking about looking up a naturopath Dr, to get more specific dosing. There has to be more answers, than the blank stare I keep getting from his Peads!!!

Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2010, 04:38:47 am »
There has to be more answers, than the blank stare I keep getting from his Peads!!!

so frustrating isnt it when the 'professionals' cant help us! i'm thinking of getting a referral to a paed allergist and getting some testing done but read some stuff that testing doesnt always show up positive anyway at such a young age ??? at least get some good advice anyway i hope!

hmmm maybe the glucose syrup solids in the neocate i have are from corn rather than wheat ??? i kind of expected it would mention corn if it was in it tho.
rachel, can you shed any light on this??

about to start a probiotic here too.

Offline Austin's mom

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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2010, 23:50:47 pm »
Hmm maybe its different over there than here. My can specifically says "corn syrup solids" in the first ingredient. He is doing TONS better corn free! Can't believe the difference! Makes me wonder if he wasn't actually having milk issues, and it was just the corn all along.

Hope you have better luck with the pead allergist than we did. He didn't tell me anything I didn't know. The problem is, "intolerances" don't show up with allergy testing. So its half pointless. Unless your child is haveing a serious ige/immune reaction that is. Then I'm sure it would be helpful.


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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2010, 01:19:10 am »
WOW.  What great news he is doing better!!!

Just a word of caution - check out the kids w/food allergy forum (I think I gave you that link) for lots of info on corn allergies.  They have a kids/with corn allergies support group and it helped me SO much (for example, IV fluids "sugars" are corn based - my dd ended up in the hospital and they wanted to give her an IV and luckily I knew she would react with the standard fluid and they had to get a special one...they were NOT happy, but I always looked at those experiences as my job is now "advocate" for my daughter - I'll be polite, and I respect their knowledge, but no way I'm ok'ing something I KNOW is going to make her suffer when there is an alternative!).  My dd2 had symptoms very similar to your Lo.  The good news is around 18 months she began to be able to tolerate corn by-products, and has pretty much grown out of it.  The only thing we haven't trialed yet is actual corn.  I'll wait until two (I'm not a pro-corn fan anyway, so no biggie in my house, lol).

((((Hugs)))) and vibes for continued success.   :-* :-*

Offline Rachel_Momto3boys

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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2010, 01:57:15 am »
huntersmum - yes, the glucose syrup solids are derived from corn, not wheat.  However, I'm not an expert on the formulation in Australia, so that's as far as I can comment.  I can help with the the U.S. formulation.  But, here is the website for Nutricia in Australia if you want/need more product/contact information.  HTH!!

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Re: Corn sensitivity vs. corn syrup solids?
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2010, 02:08:13 am »
You can definitely be allergic/sensitive to corn, and removing it can make a world of difference. We took it out of Josie's diet entirely for a while; it's how we realized that she has big-time reactions to fructose, especially high fructose corn syrup. A different scenario from your case, but we did some reading about it at the time we were wondering about it.

FWIW, I'd rather have Josie eat actual corn than by-products; given her sensitivity to HFCS, which is basically concentrated corn syrup (like that's not sugary enough on its own LOL), I figure a cob of corn or a bowl of popcorn is less likely to send her around the bend. JHMO, though. :)  (Just as well, since it's corn-on-the-cob season here in the States! LOL)