Last night she was in bed by 740pm. She wanted me to hold her but I convinced her to lay down. Once I got her to lay down I rubbed her head until she calmed and fell asleep by 8pm. She fussed at 10pm, went back to sleep w/o getting up, and woke at 4am quietly babbling. I reluctantly gave her a bottle, but I knew it was a sure fire way to get her back to sleep. I rocked her until she fell asleep then back in the crib at 445am. She woke at 7am.
Fast forward to 9am. She's playing and decides to lay down on the floor. I get her up and take her upstairs but its too late. Mind you she's rubbing her eyes and yawning as soon as we get upstairs. TWO HOURS AND FIFTEEN MINUTES later she falls asleep. She fought, squirmed, cried, kicked her legs, played with her fingers, and did everything that she could to not fall asleep. But, oh, was she tired. So now I'm thinking that she will probably sleep 1.5 hours, she will have lunch, then back to bed. Clearly, after an OK nights sleep, 2 hour A was too much to handle. *sigh*
I'm proud that I didn't cry, or leave the room, or get angry. I just kept thinking and saying "Mommy's not going to leave you."