Yes Katie, I think you are right.
You need some fresh eyes for this problem.`I think you might need to make another post and then we will not respond. So sorry about that!!
I'm so happy to hear you got nap #2 in today!! That's great!!!!
What I've learned from having two so little is to pick my battles. LOL!! DS is a textbook/angel so tbh he's a breeze!!! My problem with his is figuring out when he's tired as he's just so happy and wants to laugh and play all the time. It is NOT easy. THey are 19 months apart and if I had it to do over again I would have waited until Anna-Li was more like 18 months (not 9 months) to get pregnant. As you know she is still teething and it makes it quite difficult. DS is starting baby SA and Anna has had it off and on lately. So its GRAND! LOL!!
I will say you become a lot more relaxed with the 2nd one. I was so obsessed with Anna's A times and naps exc.......... But now if they nap and don't get OT too bad I'm just happy with that. We do early bt's to fix any napping problems they had during the day and that helps. I've got two in cribs and two in diaper and also two teething. So its everything one baby is plus another. But I of course wouldn't have it any other way.
I don't know what I will do with myself when everyone goes down to one nap (at the same time!), gets all their teeth in their heads, is over SA exc......... It will be like a vacation I guess.
Don't be hard on yourself, your not complaining. That's what these forums are about! For us to vent and get help with our problems. I have to say I made it WAY harder than it should have been with Anna-Li. But she's such a touchy thing its VERY difficult. Had I had DS first I probably wouldn't even know about bw. I found the book b/c Anna was driving me bonkers with her naps/bt's. Just wait your #2 will probably be angel or textbook and you'll wonder why you were so crazy with Sophie... but then you'll remember she was a totally different baby with a very different personality and you just have to treat them differently.
I think Katie is right. Try the 20 min nap (am) first then give her plenty of A time to burn that energy off and be tired then go for nap #2.
When I got VERY firm about wi/wo we were down to 1 nap. She was all over the place with 2 naps and I could never tell if she was sick/teething/ or just plain not tired.
So I KNOW with 1 nap she's tired and I have no problem doing it until she goes down. That's our new 'rule' in the house is EVERYONE (she thinks we nap too, we tell her we are going to) naps at least once in their bed. I start by telling her tired I can see she's getting and that its okay b/c nap time is coming up. Then I give her multiple warnings of it, then tell her a few more times how tired she's getting then take her upstairs and she naps with bearbear. I just tell her its nap time and everyone's gotta nap. Jace's napping, and Mommy/Daddy have got to nap to. She konks right out now b/c she's tired and not fighting me any longer. Today she went down for her nap at 10:45 (woke at 6:30am) I getting her lunch ready and she was going crazy on me. So I just told her how tired she was and we were going to take a nap right after lunch. I gave her food and she ate two bites and asked to take a nap. She said 'nappy time'. So I said are you ready to nap or do you want to eat first? She said 'nappy time'. so I took her up and put her down. She immediately fell asleep and has been down for near a hour and a half now. She will NOT take two hours but if I stretch her one nap too late she's OT and wakes screaming after 30 min's and WILL NOT go back down. So we just do this one earlyish nap and then a early bt. Its working and she's beginning to take a decent nap and wake up is getting later (still early bt) but I'm very happy to be at peace. And its really not that bad at all now. wake 6:30-7:30, nap usually around 11am or a little earlier (starting to last a hour or two) then bedtime of 6-7 (5-5:30 if teething, sick or bad nap)
Katie really helped me when we were going through this napping 2-1 transition so I think she's right by advising the 20 min am nap first. I would do that for sure first. Just give her plenty of A time to burn that energy off before 2nd nap. That might help you stretch your day out further and start getting later wake ups! That would be a much better place to start when you do transition to one nap. Then you have later wake up's and she'll last a bit later. If she won't then you'll have early bt's and early naps until it gets sorted out.
Is this the 1st nap she's fighting you on?? Are you sure she's tired? (maybe A jump)