I just love you ladies so very very much

Thanks for the great advice and the reassurance

..so, over the past day or so I've been really analyzing things and have reached several conclusions. DS hates the spoon, best case scenario would be him self feeding or me feeing him with my hand!...so Monday night we had a great dinner, gnocchi, veggies and chicken pieces, he self fed, as well as accepting some pieces from me, and eventually feeding me and dh as well..lol
Yesterday, morning, I made him an omelette, which probably was a mistake, as he usually doesn't like it very much and would only have a few pieces when either of us is eating, I gave him a small croissant with honey, he ate a few pieces, but the mood was already off, kwim..!..for lunch I followed the same approach as that I did with the previous night's dinner, he had a tuna bake, which was ok, he ate, but was bored, so I let him have sips of water in between bites and play with the plate, as well as feed me and kept offering till he pushed my hand and that was my sign, a while later I put him in the highchair again and offered grapes, which he self fed, again till he pushed my hand, for a last snack, I gave him a piece of cheese and toast with butter, but while playing

...we were out for dinner, so he had yogurt, cheese and mangoes,all which were ok.
So, I think the idea of accepting that he really can't stay put for long, should change how I handle meal times, I do try to let him have all meals in the high chair, do you guys do all meals, or only main meals and snacks while playing?..I guess my problem here is that MIL watches ds when I'm @ work and she isn't a big fan of the high chair!
Of course I continue to have an issue with dh, who always slips into power struggles with ds, don't even want to know what they'll do when their older and I think that ds now knows that dh doesn't take NO for an answer, and if he doesn't want to eat anymore, he'd open his mouth (if dh is feeding him) and just not swallow

....so like this morning, dh fed him bf, which was yogurt, kiwi and a biscuit , the first two went great, but by the time dh gave him a piece of biscuit, ds, I think was already full, but still opened his mouth, but didn't swallow!..I tried to explain to dh that he could have been already full, but knowing how dh is, he opened still opened his mouth...dh didn't buy it and said, u can't go from hungry to full in a minute and ds should have @ least swallowed the biscuit

...how do you explain this?
& on another note, seriously, what's with me?!!