She does stay in bed, not crying, I wouldn't leave her crying. She cried out for a minute or two and then was quiet. We have a video monitor so I know she wasn't sleeping and I got her around 4 pm. Just to clarify, she has been doing about 4 hrs A time and I jumped it to 5 hrs. Maybe a bit long but the last two times we tried one nap days, we did about 4.5 hrs (wake at 7, nap at 11:30) and it was fine. We went from a 7ish wake up to an 8 am wake up and then pushed her a bit. I don't expect her to go down exactly the same but I just can't get her down much before 1 pm as DD1 has morning activities. I put DD2 down at 1, then read with DD1 and got her to bed 45 min earlier than normal so she slept from 2:15-4:15 so DD1 did fine with an earlier time. So 5 hrs A time is too long, she does 4 hrs usually so it seems 5 would be ok. What should I do tomorrow??
Also, we have tried the CN for 30 min and that still did not force the pm nap. It worked once but never again. Also, the CN has gotten so late that it cuts into playdates etc. It seems at 18 mths, she really should change.
Just wanted to add that a napping 4 yr old does come at a price, a short night. She is in bed by 9, not asleep till 9:30, and usually up by 7:30. I take cause I work part-time at home and need that afternoon time. I know it is on the way out.