Hi. I am not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I couldn't find much info on weaning a bottle from a 21 month old....
DD drinks a sippy cup fine during the day (milk and water), but we have continued giving her a bottle of milk at bedtime, because it has been such a nice part of our bedtime ritual (hold her in our lap and read books, while she has a bottle). She is pretty attached to it and it doesn't really bother me or my DH much if we continue for a while longer, but I know we should probably wean her from it at some point.
What I am wondering is, if we decide to wean her from it soon, should we continue to offer milk in a sippy cup instead, or try to wean the "milk at bedtime" habit all together. I have put off switching to a sippy at bedtime, because I don't feel that it is that different from a bottle so why not just keep using it if she gets comfort from it. So then, I guess what I am asking, is at what point should we stop the "milk at bedtime" habit with a toddler and how do we go about doing that if she is spirited, touchy child who is attached to the habit?